Booby trap for trespassers

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More than just local LE would take a interested in this situation if it got a to court date appearance. Bombs. Paint or otherwise are always of interest to others who don't take kindly to such deviant behavior. Prank or not.
What if the paint trap wasn't tripped until it froze.
What if it was tripped by a child? Or a hunting dog? Both of which may be much closer to the ground, and likely much closer to the force of the explosion.

I played paintball for years and have gotten the cornstarch based paint in my eyes. It hurts like hell and must be flushed with water immediately. I can only imagine if it was actual paint in the bomb.

I have a great sense of humor and am always up for a good ole practical joke. But, anybody who thinks this is funny should take a serious look at your judgment. JMO
Why is it that no one seems to point out that the trespasser is wrong for trespassing? While legally maybe the person that set the trap could get in trouble I think that is a bunch of crap. How about staying off property you shouldn't be on.

I have some friends that allow me to hunt their property. In the last 4 years I have had a ladder stand, a hang on stand with sticks and a game camera stolen. Then I had someone cut the strap on a treestand and pull the pins out of the ladder section. On another stand they cut the cable lock, pulled the pins and stole the bottom 2 ladder section.

On the property across the street that I hunt some guy jumped the fence and stole a ladder stand.

Police don't do anything because without a suspect they can't do anything. Called the Conservation Protection Officer who told me to put up a camera and get pictures, then they could do something and that if he had time he might bring out a camera of his own.

So I am out a bunch of money and there is NOTHING I can do about it. Trespassers coming on the property and stealing/vandalizing my stuff. Pulling the pins on the ladder sections is reckless endangerment. The cost of the stuff stolen puts it at Felony theft.

You bet I would love to hook up a paintball mine with permanent paint in it to paint these people

Here is the thing....had the trespasser not been some place he shouldn't have he never would have hit that trap.
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Originally posted by Deerhunter: Why is it that no one seems to point out that the trespasser is wrong for trespassing?

Probably because it's quite obvious to most that trespassing is wrong. What most folks are saying is that two wrongs do not make it right. While so many popular action adventure movies are based on vigilantism and getting even after being wronged, it is still a criminal act in the real world. Trespassers are a nuisance to every landowner and responsible hunter that asks permission first. But every trespass is not intentional and by an adult who knows better. That is why setting traps and leaving them unattended is wrong.
Since it was a 'paint mine' one could likely argue that it was put out there for a sporting match of paintball, and wasn't retrieved. Since they don't hurt people no one would ever be in danger..

I don't condone this type of behavior but the 'booby trap' was harmless.
I don't condone this type of behavior but the 'booby trap' was harmless.

So is drinking and driving...........until it's not.

What if the guy lost vision in an eye from the paint or other debris? What if he literally got scared to death by heart attack?

I am all for protecting your land and possessions, but catching someone breaking the law by breaking the law yourself dosent make it ok.

That stunt is plain stupid, especially in this age of entitlement and sue-happy people looking to take everything you've got for the slightest of reason.
I really do understand what you're saying, but the "what if" game is endless. All of the stuff you mentioned and more, more, more is possible in a zillion scenarios without a paintball boobytrap.

I still say it's a damn good thing that the aged trespasser didn't have himself some manner of an AD while wiping squizz off his long gun that he never cleared while he was allegedly in a place he had no legal right to occupy.
i had a severe problem with trespassers on one hunting property for many years. The problem mostly went away after a new Dodge diesel pickup burned up while parked on the adjacent property. The only trespasser is the poacher who rents the adjoining property on the west. That scumbag poached a nice buck deer on 15 August. The game warden now has a gate key.

Booby traps can backfire too. Some friends put spike strips on a trail at their deer lease. The spikes flattened tires on the vehicles of several trespassers. Then my friends started having flats themselves, lots of flats.

Never in my wildest dreams did i consider any type of boobytrap. A good way to achieve poverty is by maiming a trespasser with a boobytrap.
I saw a truck at Texas Motor Seedway catch on fire after it high centered attempting to drive over the berm surrounding the parking area. People kept telling the stooge to shut off the truck. He sat there with the truck running for a good 10 minutes before the fire started. Gotta watch the catalytic converter when parking in weeds.

Not once has anyone mentioned posting an area with NO TRESPASSING

Where I live, you can't get the law enforcement folks to ticket a trespasser unless you have clearly posted your property.
All my property is posted; has been for years. Posted or not, some OK sheriffs departments refuse to arrest trespassers.
In Wisconsin, the only private land that needs to be posted is land directly adjacent to and bordering public land. It is the responsibility of the hunter to know where they are, who's land they are on and to have permission to be there.....otherwise, they are trespassing. Trespassing is a crime, even when property is not stolen or animals poached and should be treated as such. Still does not give a landowner the right to set booby-traps.
The one property I hunt had posted signs up. Key word HAD. The property owner put some up and they were torn down. I bought more and helped put them up and they were torn down. So exactly how does that help.

Still goes back to had this idiot not been trespassing nothing would have happened. So instead of getting on the guy that set up the paintball mine or what ever he used, how about we slam the idiot that kept trespassing. Why don't property owners have rights? How is it that it is always the property owners fault. If I owned property I would post it, but I shouldn't have is my land not yours and you shouldn't be on it.

The problem is with the mentality of too many people.....I don't own it, I didn't work hard for it, but dang I am going to hunt it because I want to.

100% of that incident in the video is the fault of the idiot that was trespassing. I hope the paint ruined his gun for good.

I get that most of us (me included) wants to see someone get hurt. My issue is that the main problem is the guy was trespassing. It is about impossible to get the CPOs or cops to do anything or to actually catch these people.
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