Booby trap for trespassers

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IMHO, it puts the land owner down to the same level as the trespasser(criminal). It also exposes the landowner to being liable for any damages because he knowingly set a trap and left it unattended.
Booby traps are not legal in most places AFAIK. Suppose some little kid wandering through the woods is caught in your trap. Or an animal not on the huntable list . It's deep trouble , lawsuits etc !! You could use a game camera a very different situation.
As a land owner that manages my property for deer, I had to laugh at the trespasser, but no, I would not take that kind of risk. No deer is worth hurting someone over, no matter how stupid and rude they are. It was funny tho.
By Tom Servo:

The person who set the trap places himself at risk of significant liability should it hurt someone.

Not to mention the idiot made a video of it. I am sure it will play well for the judge before they charge him.

Yeah, the ones that are HURT have - the rest, no. Damages/ injury is an essential element of every claim. You can't recover a dime without an actual injury. It's quite apparent that the trap-setter took precautions so as not to hurt the guy - that's the point. Embarass but not hurt. If this guy had been in his 20s, y'all would all be laughing about how he got what he deserved, I'm sure.

Jiminy christmas folks - did you WATCH the video? There's no getting hurt. Getting hurt has nothing to do with this type of "trap".
"Shotgun Traps" aka intentional booby traps are illegally virtually everywhere.
As a kid in Texas years ago I remember someone who posted a "shotgun trap" sign, but a fool walked in anyway, and boom. Went to jail and was civilly sued successfully. That was 50 years ago when things like that played better.
It hasn't gotten better.
,y boss told me about a case that is buddy got into serious trouble with. he owned a business that had railroad tracks behind it, office park, and he got broken into more than 20 times. always through the roof one way or the other. police never did anything about it, reported every robbery. so he filled the attic with razor wire, a man broke in, got cut up and sued. not only is he liable for the mans claim, he got charged with attempted pre-meditated murder. apparently, since he got broken into so many times, he KNEW someone was going to break in again, making it pre-meditated. I cant say for sure what happened with the case, it was a long time ago and I was hearing it second hand.
um... it fires a paint charge!, not an actual shot shell, doesn't anyone notice that 5/6s of the movie is the guy trying to wipe paint off himself and his gun?
Sure, we laughed because no one was hurt in this prank. That doesn't mean that there could have been serious results. Chemicals sprayed in someone's face and eyes is not funny. It could possibly blind someone. He was carrying a gun and when surprised like this could have deadly consequences. All of which would have made the person setting the trap liable.

Anyway you look at this, it was not a smart move.


When that trap went off, the trap setter commited an act of battery, which can be prosecuted as a misdemeanor, or felony. He also opened himself up to civil liabilities, even if no actual injury occurred due to the actions set in motion by the trap setter.

Paint cartridge or not, it still has the ability to produce bodily harm, or death.

I'm all for catching a trespasser red handed, but, this was not the proper way to do it.
"...a bunch of "squirrel holes"..." Those are a man trap.
A paint charge will blind as fast as Mace. Still a man trap. Likely an unlawful death suit if the old guy had had a heart attack too.
I think the guy in the video was probably very SHOCKED and not thinking clearly due to what had happened, but my first reaction to what I saw was that this man never cleared that long gun he was carrying.

Now maybe he was walking around without a chambered round, it's still poor gun handling to NOT open it and chamber-check before his "couple minutes" worth of wiping that thing down. It wasn't exactly pointing at his own head, but it's ridiculously close to that and he's wiping every outside inch of the thing. That's crazy.

To the subject? Hard for me to judge. I'd like to be on the side of all the clear thinkers who know the liability, and I can't argue with the liability, but is there a clear point at which the opinion changes? If that exact same setup was in a locked outbuilding? Attached garage? Laundry room at the back of a house? Interior hallway outside your bedroom?

Silly suggestions not based in reality, sure, but there must be a line somewhere in the equation where some random person is NOT ALLOWED to be... yet he goes there anyway.
Yes, I have thought about it, I don’t like thieves, If loose any more cameras due to theft! Its Private Land and I work hard planting and managing it..
I have been thinking of packing a camera full of Bank dye Packs… But, In this case this old guy was simply walking a logging road..Targeting was Too broad IMO.
Looks like a land owner was fed up with people hunting on his land. Big risk taking a video and putting it on the internet. The hunter was lucky the land owner thought of a paint. A bottle of urine might have been worse. I wonder how it was rigged without the risk of creating a fireball.
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