Bond Arms

Don't forget, Bond Arms purchased the Boberg line. I have a Boberg XR9S, and it is an excellent, easy to carry, powerful little 8-round 9mm.
They are as heavy and large (if not larger) than a J-frame and you've but two shots with a slow reload, they are hard to shoot well, and ballistics of .410 shells from such a short barrel length is miserable.

I think various uninformed people buy these thinking they will have some kind of pocket-sized streetsweeper. Nothing could be further from the truth. I would never, ever get one quite frankly. Even as a snake gun there are better options.
I consider myself an individual and make up my own mind on issues particularly one that may be life threatening. Consequently a weapon carried concealed ,must be light, safe, convient to put into operation at a moment’s notice, of a caliber one can reasonably expect to cause incapacitation with quick accurate shots and still have a reserve should others become a foe. I do not see the Bond derringer fitting into any of those parameters.
I own one and really appreciate it for it being high quality and solid steel. As others have said, it isn’t super practical for most things but cool to own and shoot. I ordered the 9mm barrel to use for range as it’s actually very fun to shoot. The felt pressure of 45 colt and 410 is among most I’ve ever experienced and not too much fun. I’m not very recoil sensitive and own a few other small hand cannons, just to provide some perspective.

If you can find a holster, I’d probably just go with SW Governor. I own one as well and it’s really enjoyable to shoot, even one-handed with .410. Good capacity too.

One thing I do often while I’m my timber is bring my SW 642 or 340PD and load first two with shot (for snakes) and the rest with .38 special (mainly for larger threats). Very light to carry.

Good luck
I have a Cobray .45/.410 derringer and with .45 Colt I've enjoyed shooting it immensely. .410 tho... that is about as pleasurable as watching a Hilary Clinton speech. How .45 Colt isn't comfortable to shoot in any handgun beats me.
i have a couple of b.a. derringers and a variety of barrels. if your budget is tight there are better choices. that said, the ability to change barrels makes them useful survivalist pieces, they are built to be enjoyed by your unborn grandchildren and used ones can be had cheap.

some advice: if buying used get the upgraded version, denoted by indented trigger and wide hammer spur. ditch the wooden grips for rubber grips, definitely large for “4” calibers. use only handgun specific 410 ammo, your wrist will thank you. start with a 410/45lc and quickly add a barrel in your favorite handgun caliber, either 38sp or 9mm is actually pleasant and cheap to shoot. an open trigger version is handy if you live where where wearing gloves is required in winter.

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I thank everyone for their feedback. My real question was if the .410 was much that much better than .38 shot shells.

From what I am reading it seems that they are not. If that is the case I already own better options.

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