Bond Arms / derringer questions

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We had a fella at the range with one of those 45-70 derringers - knocked himself out with it.

I wouldn't mind a cheapie derringer in 38 or 9mm but have yet to see one at a price I want to pay - nor would I go out of my way to get one from gunbroker.
How did he knock himself out with it? Did he let go after firing it?

I considered getting a 410 but I think I'll go with 9mm. I use both 9 and 38 special but 9 being cheaper means I usually stock more of it.

I did talk to a lady at American Derringer today (another thread) and they are still very much in business. They make products to order and sell directly to the public. Their prices are too high though. I REALLY want the DA38 but it's 600 and my local FFL will sell me a Texas Defender for <400.
Now that I know American Derringer is still open that is starting to make me second guess Bond Arms. I've always had a weakness for the little guy. That DA 38 is awful sweet.
If American Derringer is still making guns, why won't them make some more non-nfa pen guns? These things are fetching crazy prices on gunbroker.!
Working at a gun range I have shot a number of different derringers in different calibers over the years.

The first comment is generally - "Gee, that's a cute little pistol."

Followed by the usual comments after shooting -

1. "That's a pretty heavy gun for just two shots."

2. "Ouch."

3. "I've shot enough." Usually after just firing one round of .357, .45 or .410.

To be fair I shot my dad's Bond Arms Derringer - twice. The trigger pull was horrendously stiff. The two shots available were enough for me. My hand felt like it had been whacked by 2 x 4.
Former owner here................

...............gotta toss my opinion in, though we all know about opinions. At least those of us who know the sayin';).

They are definitely niche guns. If you don't have a use for one, don't buy it! Simple, huh? Don't harass those who buy them. The OP stated his reasons to buy one. Didn't see self defense carry on that list.

I had a Bond Arms Snake Slayer in .45/.410. It was a great gun. Loved it for the purpose I bought it. I even had my gunsmith drill and tap the frame to directly attach a ClipDraw clip to it. It was my favorite dog-walking carry (rural low crime area). Unfortunately, I needed money because a Grail gun came up, so it was sold.

I'm kinda glad I sold it. Because now they have the longer barrel. I'm saving for another. Primary carry? No. Niche situations, Yeah. I kept mine handy for possible car jacking situations. My normal carry was at four o'clock seated in a car.So my BA was in my door pocket to buy me time to get to it. At 2 yards it will put Winchester Buck through a 2x10. It will blow a rabid cat at least a yard away when hit with Remington 3 inch #4s.

The only thing I would suggest as far as the BA line is this: Get the snake slayer or Ranger with the extended grip. I tried the normal derringer grip. It sucks with anything powerful.

There's my 2 cents from a former and hopefully future owner.
traveling away from home now i realize even more so that a bond arms derringer is a perfect bedside companion for strange to me places: flashlight in one hand, six 410 buckballs in the other hand. it is one very solid chunk of reassuring steel that absolutely wont malfunction. it is also handy while hiking if confronted with a feral beast: one of six balls will hit a moving target. before getting it i thought the b.a. was a gimmick. it is not that but it is unique, and pricey.
I'd like to add.......... more thing. If you end up with one of the older ones, dry firing with snap caps smooth out the trigger very nicely. I did mine enough to drive my wife nuts! And the trigger was really nice when I sold it. As I said before, I will own another one one day. They are fun to shoot!
A 357 or 9mm out of a short derringer barrel is no better than a 38.
I have a Bond CA Papa Bear model in 45 Colt. The CA models do not chamber a 410 shell and have a lot more rifling in the barrels. I carry it with Buffalo Bore heavy standard pressure load @ 1100 fps ... out of the Bond Papa Bear it's more like 800-900 fps which is right in there with a full-sized 45 ACP. And the stopping power of a 45 ACP is legendary. Recoil with this load is not bad at all. I will take two rounds of 45 ACP over five rounds of 38 special any day of the week. 380? Don't make me laugh. With either, if the perp has a gun he can easily kill you after you've shot him before he goes down. A 45 ACP center mass will put him down instantly. I have no problem at all keeping both shots center body mass at 15 yards.

Self-defense, to me, is a last-resort up close and personal affair. In a serious up close attack, you aren't going to have time for more than two rounds anyway. You want something that will STOP the S.O.B. in his tracks instantly. I also have a Kahr MK40 Elite ... six rounds of 40 S&W. But it's double action only and I just do NOT feel safe carrying a round in the chamber, so to get it into action I have to rack the slide. I can get the Bond derringer into action much faster. And let's face facts ... no matter what, if you ever have to use a gun, your life is going to be a mess for a while and if you say the wrong thing, your butt will end up in jail. Two rules: 1 - Never pull a gun unless you know you're going to USE it. 2 - If you do have to use it, make sure you KILL the bastard so he can't bankrupt you with law suits afterwards.

At any rate, my Bond 45 Colt derringer is my preferred CC gun.
Closed as a necro-thread. That means opening a thread that is quite old.

Now sometimes people add some new info as there is a new product relevant to the topic.

However, giving an opinion like this when the original participants have long ceased participating isn't really useful. The decisions were probably already made.

This particular post by jimku (no offense but it's my job) doesn't add much and contains much misinformation about self-defense that covers ground well plowed.

Thus, closed.
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