Bogus Hitler Quote I Fell For

rooster, welcome to cyberspace. In addition to Rich's comments, I would offer that war is fought on many fronts. Without taking the 'war' analogy too far ( ;) ), many of us fight for what we believe by: (1) sanely and logically discussing the RKBA (right to keep and bear arms) with our family, friends and representatives, (2) training in the proper and responsible use of firearms, (3) studying the history of weapons, related law and politics, (4) joining groups which we believe can thwart the anti-gunners, (5) contributing money to preserve the RKBA, (6) writing letters to newspapers and magazines re: the RKBA, (7)and participating in professional, well-run discussion forums such as TFL (TheFiringLine.Com), where we learn from each other, compare notes, and keep up on current RKBA news. If you see us 'complain' here, it certainly does not mean we are chained to our computers and only get up to refill the cookie plate.

And, back to Adolph's 'quote', I continue to believe that a lie is a lie (despite current political dogma). We cannot stoop to the level of HCI and their cronies. IMHO.
The Urban Legend board had been wrong before!
They said that the "gangsters shooting people for flashing their headlights" was a myth, but on a gun forum we had some Police men (two different posts) that had first hand experience with gun-toting gangstas chasing and threatening them for flashing their brights.
The Urban Legend board was wrong on that, and that is one of the only times I have listened to that darn board!
I would not be surprised to find out that the Uran Legend board is wrong again about the Hitler quote.

May I be so paranoid as to say that the Urban Legend board *could* (far-out conspiratorial chance here) be a misinformation guide for the gubment. If people start believing things like the Urban Legend board every time it claims something is a myth, imagine what control that would have over "keeping the populace from panicking" and namely from taking measures to protect themselves.

Misinformation boards like the Urban Legend board could be used to convince people that everything is "okay" and that the "myths" of home invasions etc are false. Imagine what kind of misinformation could be spread by a "trusted" internet source like that, especially if we are all so quick to doubt ourselves just because we saw it written in words in a website. (rarely activated paranoid conspiracy mode: OFF)

Now, the same quote is in the latest issue of American Handgunner. Do they have corroboration we lack? Does anyone on TFL know Cameron Hopkins? Perhaps he could shed some light on this issue.
Under "Nazi gun control" I posted some info on Nazi gun laws and that I am fairly sure that the Hitler quote is bogus.
Herr Glockner, I cannot accept your retraction without proof of its falsehood. So far, to prove its status as "Urban Legend", you've given only hearsay. That is not substantial or credible evidence. Until you or someone produces same, the quote stands as valid. (put the ball in the antis' court, hehe).

[This message has been edited by DanOK (edited 02-12-99).]