Bobcat population and turkey

I think the owls and hawks do more damage to the turkey poults and I Shoot-Shovel-Shut up them when I can.

Shootin' birds of prey around these parts generally cost ya $500 if you get caught doing it.

My ignorant BIL shot one once just because. When I discussed the penalties with him, the carcass mysteriously disappeared by the next day.
Our ancestors wiped out several species of large predators in much of the East. But now we’ve got coyotes, Lyme Disease, hogs, and at least in Florida pythons and monitor lizards. I don’t think we have an overall great record of risk management.

But at least in Southern Maine we do have plenty of animals that eat turkeys. And too many turkeys. I get covered in ticks hunting them, so I gave up.
after they eat all the easy game and come flying in for your little fido or kitty cat. I,ll bet your shotgun will stay handy. around here traveling the interstate highway you can see 5-7 for about every mile and you wonder where the rabbits-ringnecks- turkey poults go, there is no escape from them.
"Shootin' birds of prey around these parts generally cost ya $500 if you get caught doing it."

It's a Federal crime and could cost the shooter way more than $500
after they eat all the easy game and come flying in for your little fido or kitty cat. I,ll bet your shotgun will stay handy. around here traveling the interstate highway you can see 5-7 for about every mile and you wonder where the rabbits-ringnecks- turkey poults go, there is no escape from them.

No....My dog is too big to be taken alive by any North American raptor. The minute you let your Kitty-Cat run loose it's feral.....and open to depredation, even from two legged predators. So, I take it, with your mindset, that Eagles are fair game too, since they can take larger game and must consume more to live? Think of all the fish they take too, besides Fido and Fluffy. While we're at it, since loons eat a pound and a half a fish every day, we fishermen should target them too! Then there's always the Cormorants and the Herons.

As I said before....there's no place on any legitimate hunting forum for the promotion and bragging of poaching/violating game laws.

Poachers always tend to attempt to validate why they poach. Still makes them a poacher and a violator. They tend to exploit wildlife and steal it from the rest of us. I myself have no time, or respect for them, even tho many of them are pretty proficient at what they do.
Carcass price for a Jan 2018 caught Bobcat was $125, with prime pelts going as high as $600 at the March auctions ....... Western Coyote were around 80 dollars.

Coons were only 3-5 dollars, but it'll pay the gas to run the line.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade..... when life gives you bobcats and coyotes, make money.
"Carcass price for a Jan 2018 caught Bobcat was $125, with prime pelts going as high as $600 at the March auctions"

NOT in the Midwest.
NOT in the Midwest.

"Midwest" is an often confused term ..... I pulled those numbers from Midwest Furbuyers .... If you can't get 125 dollars out of a western bobcat, you are a poor hagler, my friend.
"Midwest" is an often confused term ..... I pulled those numbers from Midwest Furbuyers .... If you can't get 125 dollars out of a western bobcat, you are a poor hagler, my friend.

Just as posted fur prices are confusing. Any cat east of the Mississippi is rarely gonna get you more than $75. Put a bullet hole in it and odds are you may as well keep it and have it tanned yourself. I'd like to know, in reality, how many folks got $600 for a bobcat. In my state(WI), last year, the highest price paid for any bobcat hide was $52(this was outta 6200 pelts). Coyote, $23.50. Again, the predators that do the most damage to turkey populations ain't worth much at all. Skunk and raccoon, about $5. 'Possum got you about $2, while a weasel may get you $6. If one really wants to control any of those predators, it ain't gonna be a money making proposition. Used to be there was motivation for folks to trap/hunt these animals. Now, it's just a matter of having the time, wanting to help out the local game populations and an interest in hunting. Part of the problem in my state is getting access to private property to trap/hunt predators. Predator populations on public land, even the largest tracts, is quite low due to folks shooting/killing them outta having the opportunity while hunting something else. It's private land where land owners do not give access where the numbers are unbalanced and may be increased because of the practices of throwing dead calves/piglets, etc. in the ditch on the back 40. Turkey hunting this spring I noticed several Bald Eagles on the property across the fence from where I was hunting. Looking at them thru binos, I could see they were scavenging on carcasses thrown out by where the neighbor was spreading Manure. I'm sure every 'yote and other hungry meat eater in the area knew the place too.
Around here both the turkey and coyote populations are both up. Do not know on the bobcats. The turkeys tend to travel in flocks and I generally see multiple mature sized Toms in the flocks. I'm sure a coyote COULD take some here and there but I would be surprised if the flock could not really hurt one in the process.