Boar Hunting--which gun should I bring?

Hi there!

I would definitely recommend the 8mm,or a shotgun loaded with winchester supreme slugs.
I've seen too many big boars that got away shot by an SKS round- it is waay to weak for such an animal,and I guarantee that even a heart shot won't bring it down immediately,of course a head shot will,but if the pigs are on the run,even on clear terrain it is hard to place it precisely.
What scope is on your 8mm-smaller magnification and wide field of wiew is better.

P.S-are those feral pigs or european wild pigs?

Well, I think you have worked it out

Sounds like the 8mm-06 is the one you should be using. Practice with it but take a back up.
SKS would be my thought since you mentioned it. You might have a day of stalking and it would be a good one under those conditions. Bayonet to the rescue :D .

I can't even imagine the 35 kicking much more then an SKS, both autos and they take up an awful lot of the recoil. :confused:

Take care have fun.

But if the .35 is scoped (you mentioned vision problems) so you can reach out there a little further, then I'd go with it.

Yeah the .35 has good range, but I can't find a scope mount available for it, so its a short range proposition, for me.

SKS would be my thought since you mentioned it. You might have a day of stalking and it would be a good one under those conditions. Bayonet to the rescue

No stalking. I can't walk more than few hundred feet. Will take an ATV into the woods and walk a ways to whatever position I'll be in.

I can't even imagine the 35 kicking much more then an SKS, both autos and they take up an awful lot of the recoil.

Believe me, that .35 is WICKED for recoil. I can shoot the SKS all day...but that .35 wallops me. Its as bad as my Mosin M-44 or Mauser, with steel buttplates.

Thanks for all the input (but more still welcome). Looks like I'll take the 8mm-06 (with a red-dot) and the .35 Remington for backup.

P.S. These are wild (Russian?) boar, not feral pigs.

I'm not saying this is the best rifle for what has got to be the greatest hunting possible (I love boar hunting-big ugly beasts) but on my last hunt I bagged a 170 pounder with an M1 Garand.
Any 30-06 will do the trick-have fun but be careful, calm and don't let them near you because up close they will freak you out.
Real Russian

The 8mm-06, and 35 should do the job. But like you are saying if you have some difficulty in getting around you want mr. Piggy dead and no hangers arounders to munch.

Hopefully you will have a hunting pard.

Which gun?

Well, my favorite hog gun is an ol' Marlin 30/30.

There could be better or worse choices...but I'm not out to hunt hogzilla, but just any nice little ham. A nice little hog under 150lbs. taken usually at a range under 75 yards and a lot of times under 50 yards...

The 30/30 is a good brush gun and it allows a quck 2nd shot and its pleasant to shoot... The ammo is cheap... :cool:
I have used just about everything from a .22 pistol to my 7mm STW to 12 ga. #6's (Ok, it was a small pig rooting up my back yard at 2:00 AM!!!). Shot placement is the key. If you are a good shot or have a good scope save your shoulder. If not sling the heavy lead!
My buddy recently booked a hog hunt in Georgia and they told him to bring at least a 30-06 or larger. I have never hunted boar so I cannot personally comment on what rifle would be best.
hog hunt

I used to be a member of a club in central Florida and at times the hogs got so overpopulated we had special hog only weekends. Needless to say everyone got creative in their selection of weapons. I've taken hogs with everything from 30-06 - 357 mag - down to 22 mag with good shot placement. Hogs have poor eyesight and a lone pig is easy to walk up on from downwind. Would not recomend trying that with a large group, too many eyes and snouts to detect you, and if they get too wound up...well can you say "old Yeller"

This is a big cow elk that fell to the mighty 35 Remington after a long stalk in rough country. This animal weighed about 575 lbs live!

I'm certain your 35 will topple a boar quite nicely.
IT really depends on the terrain. I have slain a few grunters in close NZ bush with buckshot, and great fun it is too. WIthout ghost rings though, you can forget about slugs. I reckon the 8mm.
I use a .270. I use 130gr Core-lokt store bought ammo. It knocks em down right now...The biggest I have shot with the .270 was right at 200 lbs. The guide I use also uses a .270.
Your 8mm sounds like a heck of a sporting rifle. If it were me I might go with the .35 Rem, but since you said iron sights give you trouble, as does recoil, I believe both would be a poor choice under your circumstances. Sorry folks, he cannot put a scope on an M8 Remmy.

You dislike recoil
You want fast follow ups
You don't shoot iron sights well

The best option for you sounds like putting a scope on your SKS.
Sporterized Mauser in 8mm-06 AI (THUMPER), powerful, but a bolt so followup is not real quick.

The .35 is a good choice...

The thumper 8mm-06 is great and if you don't really screw it up, you won't need the follow-up shot... even if the pig is over 400 pounds... :)
Bolt operating speed

Re how fast you can work a bolt: Well, as the late, great Finn Aagard put it, "It never ceases to amaze me, how fast I can work a bolt action when I am frightened."

Now, granted, an autoloader will still be faster, but never fear, if you need a 2nd shot with yr Mauser, it will be there for you. No pig is going to travel anywhere near 2500 feet per second.

And I agree with Pointer, with the 8mm, you'll have screwed up badly indeed if you need that second shot. An 8mm, with, say, a 200 grain Nosler Accubond, or Partition, is a real thumper.