Bloomberg Targets Kroger

Kind of doubt it, such an article/story will never be seen on MSNN's sadly. Doubt they really even care, spout the lie often enough and loud enough and people will start believing it to be true.

Modern society also doesn't seem at all interested in fact checking claims they hear on the streets or from MSNN's as well.

I'll still correct where I can, but the brainwashing is pretty darn deep rooted in many, or so it seems.

Still, it's good to see that no one was hurt, at least no one innocent that is.
Good guys: +1, Bad guys: 0
JohnKSa said:
Legal or not, what kind of an advocate are you being for the gun community by openly taking a firearm into a place after you've already been asked not to?

In Flintlock Tom's defense, being asked to take it out to your car one day by the same person who didn't ask you to leave it in the car previously doesn't sound like being asked to never carry in there ever.
OMG - no wonder we will lose gun rights.

I suppose that is a modern sporting baby.

I hate to say it but, these so called "Supporters" are hurting the cause not helping it.

That link demonstrates what we should not be doing.
In Flintlock Tom's defense, being asked to take it out to your car one day by the same person who didn't ask you to leave it in the car previously doesn't sound like being asked to never carry in there ever.
At the very least, common courtesy would suggest that one ask for clarification before repeating an action that the manager has prohibited in the past.