So, I blistered and tore my thumb the first time, shooting a .44 Mountain Gun with Ahrend's wood grips.
Based on TFL recommendations, I ordered a Herrett's Jordan Trooper grip. Gorgeous grip, both for workmanship and quality of the wood, but I blistered and tore my thumb shooting magnum loads with the Trooper grip, too.
So, I put a Hogue round to square conversion X-grip on it. No problem.
Unfortunately, the skin where I tore the thumb twice in the last few months is still tender.
Last night, put 100rds .357 125gr through my GP100 with Hogue. No major problem noted. Today, went shooting with a buddy. Started out shooting my 442, put 50rds Sellers & Belliot 158gr through it. Rubbed my trigger finger a bit, but no big deal.
Next, put 100rds .357 125gr through the GP100, again. Bad idea. At round 75, tore open the new skin from the previous blister. Put on a band-aid, and went back to shooting the remaining 25rds.
Finally, put 100rds Federal 158gr .38 through my 13-3. Sore area on my trigger finger tore open around round 40....
I don't run into these problems shooting my Kahr PM9 (BUG), my CBOB .45 (EDC), or my Fusion 10mm Longslide (outdoor/hunting).
Red area at bottom is new tear; discolored circle above is from last blister and tear.
Does anybody else run into these issues? If so, how did you counter them?
Based on TFL recommendations, I ordered a Herrett's Jordan Trooper grip. Gorgeous grip, both for workmanship and quality of the wood, but I blistered and tore my thumb shooting magnum loads with the Trooper grip, too.
So, I put a Hogue round to square conversion X-grip on it. No problem.
Unfortunately, the skin where I tore the thumb twice in the last few months is still tender.
Last night, put 100rds .357 125gr through my GP100 with Hogue. No major problem noted. Today, went shooting with a buddy. Started out shooting my 442, put 50rds Sellers & Belliot 158gr through it. Rubbed my trigger finger a bit, but no big deal.
Next, put 100rds .357 125gr through the GP100, again. Bad idea. At round 75, tore open the new skin from the previous blister. Put on a band-aid, and went back to shooting the remaining 25rds.
Finally, put 100rds Federal 158gr .38 through my 13-3. Sore area on my trigger finger tore open around round 40....
I don't run into these problems shooting my Kahr PM9 (BUG), my CBOB .45 (EDC), or my Fusion 10mm Longslide (outdoor/hunting).
Red area at bottom is new tear; discolored circle above is from last blister and tear.
Does anybody else run into these issues? If so, how did you counter them?