Blaze Orange- A good thing?

Orange is a must as far as I'm concerned, camo hides you from people as well as ducks & turkeys.
You may not see the guy 50f eet beyond that big buck.
It's not a sure thing because each year we see hunters getting killed while wearing orange

That's not exactly correct. I copied this from the NYS DEC website concerning "hunting injuries" word for word.
Wearing Hunter Orange Saves Lives! From 1994 through 2003 four out of five deer hunters wore hunter orange. Not even one who wore hunter orange was mistaken for game and killed. But fifteen hunters who did not wear orange were killed when mistaken for game.
You can read it for yourself right here:

Nationwide more people are killed by deer-car collisions then by hunting related shooting incidents.

I do think that hunting "accidents" should be vigorously prosecuted as crimes !
No way! Why you might ask? I once saw some bozo deer hunting in a brown "carhart" jacket wearing a white hat! :eek: He was walking across an open field toward me and all I could see was the brown jacket and every so often a flicker of white! Now, to a inexperienced hunter or some trigger happy moron this guy, from a distance, could have been mistaken for a deer because I looked real hard at first before I realized it was a man. I waited for this guy to approach me and asked him if he was nuts or just plain suicidal. His answer was that he lived in the area and had been hunting there all his life! (Whatever that's got to do with it!) I told him he looked just like a deer walking threw the field but he didn't seem to care.
Now can you imagine this same fool sitting in the woods somewhere and you shoot at a deer and miss but hit this jerk instead and kill him because you never knew he was there because of the way he was dressed. Do you think you should be "vigorously prosecuted" and maybe sent to jail? I don't think so.
Anyone who hunts deer on my land wears "some" blaze orange or they are not welcome.
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Blaze orange works. Every hunter, with the exception of turkey hunters) should wear at a minimum a blaze orange cap. Personally I think you should wear more on your person. When the laws were first passed, I sort of resented being "required" to wear anything deer hunting. Now I'm older and I would not go out with a rifle or in rifle season without blaze orange on. The camo-blaze should be better to break up your outline a bit from a color blind deer perspective.
I have an orange vest and always wear it hunting. Shotshell holders and game sack that doubles as a back-pack. I'd feel weird without it. It hasn't prevented me from getting game that I can tell, and I'm still alive to write this :D
However one day about 15 years ago during deer season I did have to take cover with wearing it. I was on a hill with about 50 - 75 yards of good clear shooting lanes. Some SOB on the bottom proceeded to send lead in my direction--I jumped into a depression when I heard one pass and then another tore bark off the tree I was sitting under :eek: Multiple rounds--must have had a 44mag lever gun or something. Then after I jump to cover the m*)&)%#%# starts yelling 'I GOT HIM! Hey I GOT HIM!' Truth be told I wasn't sure if he was talking about me or a deer. Probably shouldn't admit this but I scoped the area for an opportunity to return fire and see how he like cleaning his shorts :mad: but never did see him and didn't want to fire blindly and risk actually hitting someone.
On the flip side of that a tree almost got peppered when it wave at me :rolleyes: Yeah, that guy was wearing a ghillie suit and I swear it looked like an odd lump on a tree. Thought nothing of it until it outstreched an arm from about 15 yard away. Then I jump, backpedalled quickly and laughed when a second later i realized i'd been gotten really good by a buy in camo. :o

So does it help? Depends on who else is out there.
I go out dressed like the great pumpkin. I think it announces my presence in the woods in a rather succinct way. Then again maybe that makes no difference to yahoos that shoot the deer crossing signs. In any case I never hunt public land orange outfit or no.
Yeah, I wear it. Too many trigger happy nuts in the woods. There are conditions where deer will see orange. It seems to be when there is no snow and a bright sun.

In Utah it is required for most hunting. Bow hunting excepted.

It is a good thing, especially on public ground.

I don't think it hinders one's chances of bagging game one bit.

I think it helps to prevent acidental shootings.

Deer pick up on motion immediately, but don't seem to be alerted by the color.
Blaze orange, or some other High Viz color is a good idea when hunting public land. Its required by law for one thing, and it does mark you as a hunter, not a game animal.
I mostly hunt private land, and don't wear the stuff.
What about the orange with birds?
Well for turkey you wear camo and for ducks and goose you usually hunt from a blind because you don't want to be seen. Grouse usually wait until the last minute to flush and for pheasant I hunted with a dog so the hunter orange does not make one bit of difference in my opinion.
Blaze Orange Its Law up here in CANADA

Blaze orange must be worn when deer/moose hunting with firearms and bows during big game season. waterfowl/turkeys and bows only seasons are allowed camo, :) JITC
Depends on the season. For deer hunting in Mn you have to wear it, lots of it. I wear a blaze camo pair of bibs and a jacket of the same. The black stripping does break up your silhoette and I have never had deer eyeball me unless I move or a puff of wind gives me away. i would not hunt deer without it even if not required.

Shooting birds up land they added a oranger requirement a few yars ago and that has some ups and downs. i would prefer to be able to buy the basic tan vest and wear a orange hat and shirt under so that i can use that same vest for ducks but now i have to have two vests.

shooting turkey i usually just tack up some orange felt ove the tree i lean against.
In Michigan a minimum of an orange hat is required when hunting with a gun or bow hunting during gun season. I think it's smart. On our private land I wear just a hat, and a hat and vest on public land. Most animals are color blind anyway. I like the orange/camo. It helps break up your outline better than just orange.
My neat muskrat hat and sheepskin coat...

I have a neat muskrat hat and a soft warm sheepskin coat...but alas I have had to put them aside for 'blaze orange'. I hate 'blaze orange'...but I know there is someone out there who uses his rifle scope as a set of binoculars and keeps his fingers itchy on the trigger...and just might not give my beautiful muskrat hat and my sheep skin coat...the proper fashion deserves...but aargh I hate blaze orange. :cool:
I generally don't like orange. But if I'm in a situation where I'm with other hunters, and we don't always know where we all are exactly (a deer drive, for example), I'll wear it.
Better to wear it and be safe. There are lots of idiots out there. Drunk, stupid, and/or tresspassing.
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Double Naught Spy,

That's not entirely true, at least not in New York State. This is a quote from post #22 in this thread.
Wearing Hunter Orange Saves Lives! From 1994 through 2003 four out of five deer hunters wore hunter orange. Not even one who wore hunter orange was mistaken for game and killed. But fifteen hunters who did not wear orange were killed when mistaken for game.
You can read it for yourself right here:

Nationwide more people are killed by deer-car collisions then by hunting related shooting incidents.