Blackpowder rifle

@bamaranger; i am not sure, the guy i bought it from claimed also not to be an expert and did not know the origins. He had two of these guns, the other was in worse shape than this. I also looked into that red tape, but could not find anything on it. It has some odd letters on it.
Before you do anything, put the ramrod down the barrel and mark it. Then lay it along the barrel; the end of the ramrod should be real close to the flash hole. If it is 1"-2" inches from the hole, chances are the gun has powder and ball in it. Water will kill the powder for sure if it hasn't already. But the water must get to the powder either thru the nipple or down barell past the rust. Be safe first!

The barrel bands look like they were driven down for friction fit, with a screwdriver with the nicks in the front, and they have been removed at least once by the nicks on the back. Metal to wood fit is extremely poor in the pictures, and may be the cause of the cracks, not just age. If I had to guess, I'd say it was a trade gun, or maybe manufactured or made up in one of the Pakistan / Afganastan local back alley gunshops.

For me, I wouldn't put much time in on it before I hung it over the fireplace. Just my opinion tho.
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Pago - more details on the compass. Was it hidden or inletted? How about the iron from screws, buttplate or triggerguard? Got a picture?
Mukremin - 1st off, welcome to the forum.
I don't have anything to add on the current rifle in question but I'm curious as to what else you have in your collection. Would you mind showing off some of your other guns?
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Thank you for the warm welcome. of course, i have these pictures from my 1938 Turkish Mauser made in Ankara. It is of course disabled according to the Dutch gun laws. So my guns can only be used as wall hangers. What can you do? Laws are laws :D ( here you can even see the old Arabic numbers, despite Turkey at that time used Latin numbers)

And this is from a 1904 Portuguese Mauser:

And some pictures of a British and French WW1 bayonet, and a staff/knife/sword thing. Not sure where, when it was manufactured:
and here are some close shot pictures from the musket, i think one of you asked for it. If there are specific areas on the musket where you want pictures from please ask, but do keep in mind that some terms may be alien to me regarding gun knowledge :D barrel screws upside

can you make out by the screws and nails if it was made in the 19th century or even mid 20th century?

see the last post of page 1 for pictures of my collection. And i have a replica Ottoman WW1 uniform with belt, boots, breadbag and all that stuff.
The Portuguese Mauser-Vergueiro is an interesting rifle.
It is a native design by Sr Vergueiro with Mannlicher type action, split bridge and forward bolt handle behind a separate bolt head over a Mauser type staggered magazine. But made by DWM alongside real Mausers.
The 6.5x58 cartridge is also unique to Portugal.

One wonders why they didn't just buy '98 Mausers... or '03 Steyr Mannlicher-Schoenauers.
Not Invented Here syndrome at work, I suppose.