Biting Still Usefull?

Biting is just as useful today as it was 100 years ago, and just as problematic. There are all sorts of contagious maladies that may be passed through the blood and oral cavity or via open wound to open wound. Aids just happens to be a newer, highly publicized malady. It is just one more of many that you might have to face, but that alone should not be enough to sway your decision to bite or not.

If you are in a fight and are too the point of needing to bite, quite likely you are in very close quarters hand to hand (w or w/o other weapons) and likely have open wounds as does your opponent (scrapes, cuts, bloody lips or nose, etc. In other words, infection between combatants is not unlikely and biting may just be one more wound where that happens.
Historically, biting has been quite an effective weapon. Not so much in battlefield situations but most definetly in regions that were sparsely populated.

Especially before the 20th century, (even still these days witha lot of my friends) the human mouth was/is filled with germs and bacteria tha can inflict an infection on the bitten person if not treated promptly and properly.

It was not at all unheard of for someone to be bitten on their back, or on the rear of their shoulders, not be able to get to help or cleanse the wound, get infected from all those germs in that filthy mouth that bit them and DIE!

Before mankind knew a lot about germs and antiseptics, bites from humans were taken seriously indeed.
If somebody bit me on the arm or something, I think I'd just be really P O'ed. If they actually bit OFF a chunk, I think I'd be a lot more likely to go into shock. If that chunk was an appendage or on my face, I'm not sure how I'd react. Adrenaline counteracts a lot, but just how much........?