Birthday required for knife purchase...

I have gotten carded for candles before, Lighter fluid, even ALEVE and OTC(non controlled) cough meds. Hell I ever got carded while buying some nails once, its crazy in this day and age. I must say though I have never been carded for a knife before.
they enter our name and/or license info if we buy sudafed for a cold. on the shelf is just a card and the goods are actually in the pharmacy when you give the lady the card and pay for it with money and license. you can only buy a certain amount and have to have time in between. I sent my wife back when we needed more. Lol reason they do this being crystal meth I guess.
Stores in Tennessee keep records of pseudoephedrine and those records may be checked because an individual is only allowed to buy so much within a month's time. It is one of the primary ingredients for one of the most common meth recipes. The number of meth-related charges compared to the total number of charges is really quite sad. One of the ways they can find people making it is to check records at various stores and see who is pharmacist shopping to get more than the legal amount.

I had a guy looking at knifes for about an hour one evening. When I finally went to ring it up, the computer asked if he was 16. I asked for ID and he gave me a learner's permit because he was 15. His mother was angry.

The great thing about America is that these things are not store policies, they are state laws, and if you don't like it, you can tell your state and local representatives how you feel.
We at Wal-Mart have to determine age before various items can be sold. Knives from the sporting goods area require an age of sixteen. Knives from the housewares department do not. Go figure.

Now, if a kid does come up and wishes to purchase a knife, his/her legal parent or guardian can allow the sale. We can override any age restriction, by parental approval, for anything other than Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, or ammunition. Anyone else see the relationship of those items?

I have the same reservations about the knife sharpener. Just because they are made by a knife manufacturer they have an age restriction. Hell, you could just as easily bend down and sharpen the knife on their polished concrete floor. Just don't try to buy the floor unless you are of age.

The reason they haven't asked for an ID at time of purchase of ammo is because we are prompted for the age. It is our determination as to whether we push the <yes> or <no> button. If there were any doubt you would be asked for ID. It's kinda our call on whether you look old enough or not. If we err, we can be written up or even fired.
I have the same reservations about the knife sharpener. Just because they are made by a knife manufacturer they have an age restriction. Hell, you could just as easily bend down and sharpen the knife on their polished concrete floor. Just don't try to buy the floor unless you are of age.

The reason they haven't asked for an ID at time of purchase of ammo is because we are prompted for the age. It is our determination as to whether we push the <yes> or <no> button. If there were any doubt you would be asked for ID. It's kinda our call on whether you look old enough or not. If we err, we can be written up or even fired.

I understand the theories, but I was just pointing out how (keep in mind I was only roughly 6 months older the ammo time) that I was carded and denied the sale of a knife sharpener, even though I had the Buck 110 in my pocket that my Father had bought for me probably 10 years ago, however 6 months later (now 18 instead of 17) attempted to purchase .22r and was not even asked my age.

However, let it be known that every other time Walmart employees have properly ID'd me when I have been purchasing ammo.

My favorites are the local shops (I can think of 2 or more) that have a bunch of random tidbits (such as the local "surplus" store) that require you to be 21 to purchase ANY ammo. Such as 12g hunting slugs. This is obviously not a federal requirement, is not a state requirement in TN, but just pretty much either the stores not knowing the law and not caring enough to find out, or are scared out of their wit by ATF and probably shouldn't even be dealing in a few bucks in ammo sales a month anyways.

I also like how a lot of the online retailers require you to be 21 to purchase even rifle ammunition, I even called one of them and talked to a nice young lady. I asked her how old I had to be to purchase a specific rifle caliber, and while she had to check on it, confirmed that I had to be 21. I asked her why this was so, since it was legal in TN and isn't a federal requirement, and she said it was pretty much their policy. Go figure. Outside of hoodlem's that look shady, I've never not once seen an ammo sale even thought about at a gun show.
USAFnodak said:
I'm guessing even a pack of BB's is a big no-no to sell to minors these days.

Yep. Here in GA, you have to be 16 to buy BB's. I bought some a few days ago at Academy Sports for the first time in probably 25 years. The checkout lady asked me, kind of jokingly, if I was old enough...

I live in a college town, so even though I'm 37, I get carded for everything...
My mother wrote me a note about 60 yrsa ago so I could buy a knife. I wonder where it is today??

Remember what Rainman says about K MART!! I aint been there in 15 yrs. No need to.