Personally, I'll take my chances with the responsibility of my fellow Americans over the responsibility of a government, local and federal, which gave us such wonders of safety as the SuperDom....any day; any time. Life is dangerous. Get over it and prepare.
I tire of the Panic Mode the media instills in folks. Negative sells. I get fed up with this and I don't even have a TV. I didn't replace my '79 model 13" when I dropped it and it broke, I used it mainly for Educational tapes with a VCR or movies.
Not a conspiracy theorist per se', still it does "seem" as times .gov uses the media to promote /or makes no effort to silence panic. History shows Tryanny uses states of flux to get people dependent on Govermint.
When I took Micro Biology, I had a PhD that was great. He raised horses. He was a country boy.
First Rule - Don't put fingers in mouth.
Second Rule - Anything one puts in their mouth or on their skin - they can become allergic to.
We got into a few of the things that have crossed barriers from animal to human. At that time his concern was Monkey Pox. Honestly it made a lot of sense how this could easily occur. I have not kept up with it.
Mad Cow disease. Simply put by him, the public really does NOT know what the Gov't is or is not doing out in Plum Island. Nor do we know to what extent the problem is, if so any "allowable levels" to be considered safe to humans.
His point being, one has to reasearch other sources, compare, and make informed decisions for themselves - not trust an Agency to be end-all do-all right information source.
I got into medical stuff for a bit. In the Main OR the concerns of Hep B was greater than HIV.
WE had all the stuff for OUR safety to insure patient Safety. Patient Safety is # 1.
Guess what the #1 thing we did to insure these safety measures?
Hand washing.
Sure we had all the surgical soaps with betadine and you name it. Special scrub sinks, humm a song to scrub long enough...
Test question. "What is responsible for removing germs from hands?"
-Hot water
-Anti microbial soap
-Scrub soap
-Brisk rubbing of hands.
The answer is - Brisk rubbing of hands, friction.
Now the Gov't suggested we all buy duct tape and plastic sheathing - recall the panic, fear in folks, especially the elderly ones?
In the OR I had two real concerns,1)MRSA patients , 2) getting nicked by a hot knife or similar, with MRSA patient, or Hep B.
I took precautions. Forget the Hospital rules and such. I knew the nasties on these.
Upstairs or other Hosptials doing rotations, I wore the yellow jacket , face masks and gloves when seeing an infectious patient. I did it for me, for the patient, and other patients I would see next.
Flu. Wash hands, , leave water running and use paper towel to turn off. Use kerchiefs to open doors, cover mouth and nose when around suspicious folks. Rest, eat well.
I mean I do not think most of here on TFL need to be told simple things, to research for ourselves, and be prepared for emergencies.
I doubt many folks bought duct tape and plastic sheeting...unless they were going to buy it anyway for home improvements painting, sheetrock work, or asbestos removal.