Bird Flu spreading---

Could be.....

A conspriacy theory in there somewhere? Be careful, Uncle Sam wants some population control!!!!
Save yourself, don't read USAToday!!!! It'll rot your brain

Sorry about that, I still fear STD's
This story keeps reappearing out of vapor.

This flu is extremely difficult for humans to contract. There has never been a documented cases of human to human transmission. Yet, suddenly we are faced with a "Clear and Present Danger" that it's gonna mutate it's way into H-H transmission.

Why is there no fear that Ebola will mutate so as to be carried by rodents and birds around the globe?

Why is there no fear that HIV will mutate to become airborne?

Why is there no fear that the Sun is due for immenent Super-Nova?
What happened to the Yellowstone Caldera? I thought that's what we were supposed to be worried about this year.

Dang, I need to update my calendar.

This flu is extremely difficult for humans to contract. There has never been a documented cases of human to human transmission. Yet, suddenly we are faced with a "Clear and Present Danger" that it's gonna mutate it's way into H-H transmission.
Past flus have mutated from bird/pig versions into H-H versions.

Why is there no fear that Ebola will mutate so as to be carried by rodents and birds around the globe?...Why is there no fear that HIV will mutate to become airborne
No previous history of Ebola (or any other hemorragic fever I'm aware of) doing this. There's no past history HIV doing this.

Im not prepared to say "the sky is falling" or any such nonsense. However, the difference between the flu and other viral infections is that the flu has a tendancy to mutate FAR beyond that of other viruses. Remember that the infamous Spanish flu made the jump between avian and human as well.

I agree that the media (and government) are spinning this WAY beyond where it should be. Its something to be aware of, not something to panic about.
I am amazed by the fact that most everyone will prepare themselves for anything firearm related, but when it comes to something like this it is just a conspiracy to make fun of. Just an observation.
I am amazed by the fact that most everyone will prepare themselves for anything firearm related, but when it comes to something like this it is just a conspiracy to make fun of. Just an observation.
Bravo ~

I, at least, wasn't making fun of the danger itself, but of the insanely manipulative way stuff like this is dealt with in our culture -- especially lately, when even the tiniest new threat is used as an excuse for expanding the already inexcusably broad federal power.

Bird flu is a danger for which you can prepare simply by staying healthy, by observing common hygiene, and by being prepared to avoid crowds for several weeks if and when it becomes an actual danger. It doesn't require the removal of posse commitatus. Anyone who tells you that a medical disease can be dealt with best by armed soldiers under the direct control of the President has not given even a moment's thought to the situation -- or else they are lying, for their own reasons.

Bravo ~

I, at least, wasn't making fun of the danger itself, but of the insanely manipulative way stuff like this is dealt with in our culture -- especially lately, when even the tiniest new threat is used as an excuse for expanding the already inexcusably broad federal power.

Uhmm, neither was I. My point is we will all take anything firearms related to the brink of paranoia, but we don't even consider the ramifications of this. People find it something to make fun of. I wasn't, and I was only pointing out that observation.