Birchwood Casey Aluminum Black

Uhh, do not leave it like that, yes it is polished, it is still raw Aluminum. Have it anodized or paint it, raw Aluminum requires a finish.
Aluminum doesn't "require" a finish.

Aluminum produces it's own layer of aluminum oxide when exposed to air. This prevents it corroding or discoloring.
I have pistols with raw aluminum frames that I have owned for decades and they still look like new.
I've seen aluminum bloom white oxide clumps, so I'm not convinced that the fast-forming surface oxide layer is always adequate under all conditions. But raw aluminum that gets rubbed with a silicone rag or gun oil or such will probably do fine.
It will really depend on the environment. One of my homes is close to the ocean. Salt air and raw aluminum, no thanks. In my world Aluminum must have a finish.
YEMV Your environment may vary.