Bin Laden's Life Must be Spared???

If he is captured and sentenced to life in prison, he would be in a separate guarded cell for the rest of his life - costing us more millions (depending how long he lived).

I'm for blowing him away at the first opportunity and couldn't care less if he is a "martyr"... :mad:
Turn him over to the firemen, cops, and other workers in New York City who had to live with what Yomamma! Been Hidin' caused them to experience. He could end up right next to Jimmy Hoffa, and we still don't know where that is.
Capturing him is a better idea than pretending he doesn't exist as the Bush folks have been doing.

Obama was also the guy that said military strikes into Pakistan to get Bin Laden weren't off the table.
...pretending he doesn't exist as the Bush folks have been...
I've got to call B.S. on this. I don't know where you came up with it but you must have dug pretty deep. Somebody needs to call Roto-Rooter. :barf:
take him alive if possible and then after a minimum of 2 million people relieve themselves on him. do a PUBLIC HANGING in NYC. and make sure its televised.

i would love to personally kick him in the mouth,groin and burn his beard off. sorry if i sound too extreme. but thats what I think he deserves.
Capture the bastard , find him guilty in a court of law and sentence him to be publicly stoned by the surving family members of the 911 victums. If not publicly stoned it could be done privately, recorded and marketed to provide restitution to the victims.
I'm with Denny. Shoot, shovel, forget. No martyr status for him. Also, not a single extra military life is worth getting him alive vs dead.
pretending he doesn't exist as the Bush folks have been doing.
Sort of. What they've done is semi-marginalize him. He WANTS to be Public Enemy Number One. He WANTS the 'Great Satan' to be running around frantically looking for him. More-or-less ignoring him and not feeding his ego by being desperate to track him down is likely worse for him. "But I'm important! I'm dangerous!! Fear me!!!"

By refusing to play his game what we've said is "Yeah, we'll pick you up if we see you but you're not really important enough to justify too much effort." Couple that with the wholesale destruction his organization is experiencing and they're not 'accomplishing' near as much as they like to think they can.