Bin Laden's Life Must be Spared???

If it's reasonable to capture him alive in order to stand trial then I don't have a problem with it. However, if it would pose extra risk to our soldiers or allies over killing him outright I don't think it's worth the trouble. If someone finds him and shoots him on sight, I'm not gonna feel bad for him or lose any sleep.
life in prison would serve him better.

I always thought a sex-change operation and then being forced to live under an extremist Islamic government (like the Taliban) would be more fitting but that's both cruel and unusual.
If we could take him alive, we should

Even if it costs a few more lives. Not that the lives of our troops are not valued, but they are professionals, and volunteers, and I think if you asked them, they would agree that if we could get him, it would be worth the cost.

But what to do with him, once we had him? Death at our hands is what he seeks (as a last resort, like the coward he is) in order to be a martyr. So it is important the manner of his death. It should not be done under US criminal law. Nor any recognised "western" international law. The only authority he recognizes is his God, so it should be done under the laws of his God. While I am no expert on Islamic law, I do know there are many crimes punishable by death, and I feel certain that his actions, and confessions (taking public credit for 9/11 only one among them) contain at least one crime under Islamic law for which he may be executed like any common criminal. His death should be (if there is any way possible) carried out like the punishment meted out to the terrorists in Tom Clancy's Clear and Present Danger, the book, not the movie.

In the book, the terrorists who set off an atomic bomb in the US were tried and beheaded in Saudi the same as common criminals. The achieved no martyrdom, only disgrace in the eyes of their world.

If we can arrange something like that, we surely should.
I think killing him would only help to rally more terrorists to his cause. I think that he should be captured alive, and given a fair trial for his crimes. Prove to the world that we will not stoop to his level. And after he's found guilty, I think he should be a life sentence in prison.

Even in prision, he'd need to be guarded though. If he was allowed among the general inmate population, he wouldnt live a day.
As far as his sentence after conviction under due process, I don't see him as any different than the Nazi war criminals of WWII and he should be treated accordingly (Goering was sentenced to be hung if I'm not mistaken).
As long as it wasnt deemed cruel and unuasual, we could charge admission to view Osama sitting in his cell. Use the money to fund a 9/11 memorial, or to pay for college scholarships to the children of firefighters, EMS, and police officers that lost their lives on 9/11, or soldiers who died in Afghanistan.
I'm okay with the muslim equivalent of a Hindu Indian female shudra stabbing him in the throat with a sharpened piece of dessicated pork excrement.

He doesn't merit justice.

He doesn't merit justice?

He doesn't merit the fiasco of courts and newspapers and final boastful/mock-humble statements of divine retribution.

While he may have orchestrated the deaths of ~3000 Americans in New York, Pennsylvania and the Pentagon, we have spent the lives of over 4000 service men and women in the pursuit of this man (and in pursuit of a more stable Middle East, for better or worse).

I'm just fine with G.I. Joe or Jane whacking him with an M9, M4, or the nearest blunt rock, and photographs of his rigid corpse in his death clothes stained with his excrement. As long as he's done with and dead with no potential for any other outcome than an ignominious death that shows him scrabbling for safety rather than facing it on two feet.
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4000 service men and women in the pursuit of this man

Here we go again. Bin Laden was not involved in Iraq. If anything he was an enemby of Saddam's secular (but indeed tyrannical) regime.
Maybe the right thing to do with bin laden if caught would be to take a vote of the victims of 9/11 families as to what to do with him. Would it be considered inhumane or politically incorrect to take him to "ground zero", pour gas on him,set him on fire and turn him loose. Just a thought.:)
Does the federal Prison system operate a Hog farm?

Life shoveling Pig Poop would be good, but it would be much cleaner if they didnt take him alive. Burial should take place in the garbage dump in Hoboken NJ after they run him through a crematory, I mean a garbage incinerator, prefferably the one at the hormel pork products plant.
Posters, please when responding and spelling bin laden`s name, don`t show him the respect of capitalizing the first letters of his name. I know its proper to cap. persons name but lets remember we`re not talking about a person, rather an animal.Thanks.
The capture of bin Laden could be a very big propaganda tool for the USA. Capture the bastard, start leaking all kinds of phoney confessions laced with a little truth and watch his martyr status fade away.
If Obama does oversee the capture of Bin Ladden, he will have done something that george w. bush, rummy, and cheney were unable to do with their great intelligence and military acumen.

Can we grow up a bit about capitalizing names and childish fantasies? Geez.

Killing him or burying him in prison - both work for me.
If we kill him, he becomes a martyr.
If we capture him, he becomes a martyr and it is quite likely hostages will be taken someplace demanding his release. He won’t be released and more innocent people will die because of him.

I hope he’s killed, no one ever finds out about it, and he simply fades into obscurity.
