Bill & Hillary moving to N.Y.?


New member
i heard it on face the nation or one of the sunday moring talk shows. i forgot who they were talking to, but they said they wouldn't doubt that after bill gets out( one way or another)that it's likely that they may take up residence in new york so that hillary can run for the senate or the house. hahahahaha, oh please let that happen. that way they won't come back to arkansas. sorry new york :)

fiat justitia
Yeah I saw that show...Meet The Press.

What you left out were the other choices:
The jist of the discussion was on the political potential of Hillary. They (the participants of the discussion) concluded she didn't have a chance in Arkansas, thus they might choose Illinois (where Hillary is from), New York or California. These were the primary choices because each state has penchant for enabling extreme liberal women to obtain high offices.
They concluded that NY or Illinois are the most likely because Californians could resent a pushy outsider threatening a homegrown liberal :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC, thanks for filling in what i had left out. i must have not been paying enough attention, i don't remember that part of their conversation. it could have been the eggs, sausage, and biscuits that the wife had brought to me. food has a way of distracting me :) thanks again for putting out the rest of the story. i promise i'll try to pay better attention :)

fiat justitia
Well, if someone had brought me eggs,sausage and biscuits...I wouldn't have caught it all either. :)

As a Californian, I was especially interested in their future plans. The last thing we need here in CA is a "royal" family.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
aw come on DC, let'um move over on your side of the world :) by the way, did i say breakfast was goooooood! we,, it was :)
Just what I needed to hear,first Carolyn McCarthy, then Seenator Chuckie Putzhead Schumer, now maybe Hillary. Life here in NY is getting tougher every day. I don't think she will be able to run for senator as our other senator , Moynihan is retiring and his seat is up for election in 2000, not enough time for Hillary to establish residency. She may be able to swing a congressional seat but would have to bump some other Liberal jerk out. There is still hope,but then if Bill gets thrown out then they could move here in time for Hillary to establish residency. Jeez what a choice! I vote they go to california.
As CA goes, so goes the nation...I vote NY, its a cesspool anyway.
We already have Boxer and Feinstein

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
New York? Oh Nooooooooooooo.
Even having them in D.C. is too close.
Let them fade as a bad memory and settle offshore....Puerto Rico perhaps, and attempt to 'do good' with all 'the best intentions' there.

Politically Incorrect, :) :)
Douglas in CT
I'll second DC on sending Bill & Hillary to NY. Don't forget that we also have Nancy Pelosi who was, until the death of Congresswoman Sarah Burton, nothing more than a political fundraiser for the Democrats. The SF Bay Area certainly produces its shares of liberals and CA doesn't need any more help.
Does that mean that Hillary will live in NY with Chelsea and Bill's ex-hooker and newly rediscovered son will be moving into the whitehouse?

Will her title be "The Second Lady" ??

Rob;If I described you as irreverent would you consider it as a compliment?

As the lady said:"It could happen."

Better days to be,


seriously.. who's got any info on Matt Drudge's latest scandal? I have heard that the west coast is covering it a lot more than the east coast right now.
For those of you who don't know, there is apparently a 13 year old son of a Little Rock hooker named Danny Williams ( I think..) with William Jefferson Clinton on the father line on his birth certificate.

Hmmmm...wasn't Bill behind some kind of Fed law dealing with deadbeat dads and parental monetary support?
Oh well, its already been shown that he is not held to the same standard or law that the rest of us.

Poor Danny, there was a time when you could say "my daddy is President" and that was something to be proud of

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Apparently Drudge told the White House this was coming on Day x-2, on day x-1 Clinton made a big announcement about how much positive effect his administration has had on deadbeat dads and how he is going to do even more. Then on day X drudge posted a bunch of "proof" of his allegations. They are supposedly copies of the Birth Certificate Floating around. I understand that New Year's day was day "X". Don Imus asked an ABC news show producer about it this morning and she said that she couldn't comment on it nor could she put a story about it on the air right now.

Of course, I have spent the last four days driving around listenting to talk radio.

Did I mention that Miss Williams is black?

The only thing that keeps me from believing this thing 100% is that I can;t believe it has been kept quiet this long. I haven't read his report yet, but here is the link, I'll check it out tonight:


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 01-04-99).]

Look at the Clinton Quotes thread to see what Wild Willy had to say about deadbeat dads.


What a luxury to be able to say anything you can think of and not be held to it ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
My wife has believed for a long time that we'll see Hillary in some high post at the U.N. I wouldn't bet against her.

This thing with Bill's 'little' indiscretion has apparently been known for some time. I gather the difference is that (1) they now have some DNA evidence (thanks to Monica's lax dry cleaner ;) ), and (2) the lady in question is supposedly now willing to agree that Bill is the dad.

Well, <font color="red">*** Bulletin ***</font> - STAR Magazine is now reporting that the DNA evidence has ruled Bill OUT as the dad. This may be the first time in my life that I actually believe what is printed in one of these rags.

Of course, this doesn't do much for all of the other 'Danny Williams' out there in the country who are still left to wonder ... ;)
Hey, actually, those "rags" can be pretty accurate sometimes........

Too bad about the DNA thing. I was hoping that one would hit paydirt....
