Bill Clinton to speak at VFW 100th anniversary convention.

I doubt that any of us will get a reply,but who knows?
I never joined the VFW. My younger brother used to be a "Drinking Member" but he dropped out.
Very interesting, to say the least. It has something to do with values.

Better days to be,


Please do not judge the entire VFW by the current national leaders who merely want to butt-kiss their way to "prestige" by having the Commander-in-Chief as an honored speaker. They consider it a coup because of the position Clinton holds, not necessarily because of the man.

I have found VFW posts each have a distinct personality - as do individual people.

Investigate your local VFW and American Legion. You may find you fit in with one, the other, both, or neither. But both organizations need the influence of young blood and new ideas; and to remind some of them of the characteristics and benefits of humans still endowed with testosterone or estrogen.

One of the nicest but toughest people I've met happens to be a former Army Nurse. She is calm, capable, considerate, courteous, intelligent, kind, polite, refined, and resolute. She's also an Officer in both the American Legion and VFW. She and other similar members make tolerance of the few fools tolerable. ;)
Can't see as it really matters to me. Clinton is well known for what he is, and if an organization that has never shown any interest in me (Vietnam vet) invites him, so what? I respect anyone who did his duty honorably. And vice versa. End of story.

Dennis: That's certainly a good point. Frankly, I'll still take a look at the local post here in Leavenworth...American Legion too. For me, the biggest factor will be how VN era vets are treated.

I've heard of some posts (like royolsen's) that did not take kindly to VN vets...hopefully, they are in the minority.
Sometimes people can say things SO much better than I:

“...I wish that I may never think the smiles of the great and powerful a sufficient
inducement to turn aside from the straight path of honesty and the convictions of my own

David Ricardo
(The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, Vol. VII. p372)
As quoted by Thomas Sowell
I have to add another 2 cents of phoney Fed Reserve money. Klinton from the time he was a young boy comming up and being gromed by the elites for the BIg Job has shown an admitted hatred for the US military. He has proven this by cutting the navy by over half, the army by over half,and causing thousands of navy and air force pilots to quite the military in disgust. It must be a bunch of rum heads running the VFW now days . Maybe they are illiterate or have been asleep these last 7 years while Klinton has done his dirty work on the once first rate US Armed Forces. He is truly our modern day Benedict Arnold with one great difference. Arnold was a brave soldier and, in a way, I would be insulting old Benedict by comparing him to Klinton. Are these clowns for real or is it some kind of a joke and at the last minute the invitation will be rescinded? This nation has become the laughing stock of the entire world. Firstly, a draftdodger is elected to 2 terms as President AND he is honored by veterans who all have been in combat zones. Maybe this is normal in 1999 Amerika. This "man" is being remade year after year by the sheeple into a demigod. Unbelievable.
Ivan: Surely that was more than two cents worth! I totally agree. What in the name of God could they be thinking?
And then with my cynical nature I wonder whats in it for them???
I never joined the VFW. I have always seen it as a drinking club. That might not do justice to some clubs but that has been my experience
So I still wonder why.

Better days to be,

Ed, that was always my impression, too, and was fostered by some of my friends who did join. I wanted to get on with my life, not sit around and drink about the good old days. That said I still think that Clinton deserves to be mooned by the entire assembly.
USAF 66-68, Life Member DAV.
There has to be a payoff!
I cant understand a US vereran of anything including the Girl Scouts honoring that man.
Now before you fry me for disgracing the Girl Scouts,get over it. I love their cookies.

Better days to be,

Inviting Clinton for the purpose of heckling him. Now that's funny! I'd love to see it. The media would have to cut out the audience-clapping shots and try to squeeze in a heckle-free sound bite.
I heard Big Comrade gave his speech and he asked the VFW sheeple to call their congressmen or congresswomen and tell them to be sure and vote for more UN aid! Pay your Un bill you dumbed down fools. I just cannot stop being pissed at the VFW. When a` organization such as the VFW reaches this low level ,then America has also reached a similar low state. Where is the barfbag? Put it over these VFW fools or give them another beer. Everyone I have talked to about the whole episode thinks the VFW has LOst its mind. what mind?
It really won't matter as far as the general public is concerned. The media will never portray Herr Clinton in any light other than glowing. I can see it now; "The President was greeted with an overwhelming ovation and could barely complete a statement without enciting rousing applause.... yada yada."

"Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
- Elie Wiesel 1928