Bill Clinton to speak at VFW 100th anniversary convention.


New member
The VFW has recently confirmed that Clinton will be a guest speaker at the organization's 100th anniversary national convention starting later this week. A number of VFW members I know are greatly angered by this and have been writing angry letters to the VFW national headquarters. If you wish to share with the VFW your opinions on this, you can E-mail the VFW at
This might be a good thing--let him open his mouth about guns to these folks and they'll probably help try to set him straight.
I had heard this earlier which prompted my letter to the VFW.

I am not currently a member, but have recently been approached to consider joining the VFW. While speaking with members and asking questions about your organization, I learned that Clinton will be the speaker at the organization's 100th anniversary national convention starting later this week. This deeply bothers me. I find it hard to believe that the VFW would have a guest speaker that holds the value of the armed forces so low, and has so little character. I find it insulting that someone who would run away from the call to duty would be honored in such a way. I can think of no other person who so completely represents the exact opposite values I have been led to believe your organization stands for. This makes me look at the VFW in a completely different light. I can think of no explanation that could possibly make me reconsider my views on this subject. I'm just glad that I was able to see this BEFORE I joined the VFW. It saddens me to think that you too have fallen into this modern day pit of political backsliding. During my service un the USMC, I was proud to serve and defended this country, but I find it hard to be proud of what it has come to stand for at the hand of this man.

Charles Oxier
USMC 1985-1991

[This message has been edited by chucko (edited August 11, 1999).]
This is going to be yet another joint media/Clinton administration venture. What you will see: Lots of clapping hands, cheering faces and quotes about how WJC is doing a great job. For weeks after the convention, WJC will quote some nameless vet that comes up to him and says something profound (there is always a nameless person he refers to in all his speeches).

What you won't see are the vets that protest and carry "draft dodger signs".

Want to feel your age?Check it out.
Unless they think they can call him on his shameless record they are making a mistake.
So then I wonder what they see as a payoff.

Better days to be,

The Coward-in-Chief is scheduled to address the convention at 1100 CDT on 16 August. Any VFW comrades at TFL have until then to make your views known to national headquarters.

I was only going to attend the convention this weekend, but am thinking now of taking a day of vacation Monday to hear the CINCUS speak. To show the proper amount of respect, I will command myself to 'about...FACE' and turn my back on the desecration.

VFW Life Member
Post 15016

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...
Just a slightly twisted thought...

Maybe they're having him speak because of his hard work on their new membership drive. You know, by keeping us involved in meaningless foreign conflicts like Bosnia, he's insuring the future growth/existence of the VFW. I mean, if the VFW goes, where are us Georgians gonna buy beer on Sunday?

Other than that, I can't think of any reason that makes any sense to me, unless they're just having him there to heckle (or maybe just that they know while he's there, he can't be starting any new "police actions").

Just thinking about this makes me ill.

[This message has been edited by Danger Dave (edited August 11, 1999).]
What an insult this will be to those Vets. I hope they ALL turn their backs on him.

My email to the VFW:

I am greatly diturbed to hear that President Clinton will be speaking at the VFW National Convention. What an insult this will be to all the veterans of our once great country! How dare you insult those who have fought and died for this country by allowing this man, or pathectic excuse for, to speak.

Preasdent Clinton does not deserve the honor of addressing these fine men.

With Deep Regrets,

Light up the switchboards guys.

A friend I served with in Germany explained his only siblings were two brothers - both died in Vietnam. He said his Mom was a widow. My friend was the only family she had left.

Through NO fault of his own, he died in an auto accident in Germany in 1974.

Later that year, I came to the States on leave (from Germany) and visited my friend's Mom in Jacksonville, Florida. I wanted to meet her. Tell her some things about her son, etc.

She startled me by saying she had the biggest family in the world! The entire membership of the local VFW Post had "adopted" her. It made me proud.

Twenty-five years later, Clinton is a guest of honor at the VFW Convention.

How far we have fallen in the lust for cheap self-aggrandizement.

Dennis, VFW Life Member
I joined the VFW back in the mid 70's and allowed my membership to expire after one year.

On my first visit I was ignored until one of the local veterans said that Vietnam vets were "crybabies and pussies" or "dopers." The prevailing attitude was that we weren't "real" vetarans. After several more attempts, I just gave up.

I served in the Navy on a destroyer in Vietnam in '68 and '69. I've dedicated a website to her at:

Roy Olsen
Go! Go and take a good book. Upon entering, turn your chair around, sit down, give the first felon your back and enjoy your book.

What a sight THAT would be if everyone in that room did the same thing.

I could only hope for such a set-up... :) :) :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."
I can see it now...

Chapter President sez, "Gentlemen, I present to you The President Of The United States."

Sergeant at Arms: "A-bout... HACE!"

...and 150 vets turn about in unison.

Now THAT would be a sight. Wonder if they'll cook up something like it?

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Though I disagree with Clinton being guest speaker at the VFW anniversary, I do believe we must respect the office of the president. I thought it was wrong when that union leader didn't stand when Nixon entered the room, way back when... For those who've been in the service, it's like saluting officers you don't like. You salute the rank not the person.

Why would the VFW even extend the invitation?

[This message has been edited by Floyd2U (edited August 12, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Floyd2U (edited August 12, 1999).]

When he gives his little speech at the VFW, he won't be in his office! :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." that I'm retired, I was seriously considering joining the VFW. I think I'll wait and see what happens. If Clinton is treated with respect, I won't be joining. If they turn their backs on him and/or heckle him, THEN SIGN ME UP!
Glad my Dad isn't around to see this.

Clinton can't just say he is going to talk can he? An invite had to be extended, correct?

Absolutely shameful and disgraceful....VFW has sold out

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I have been a member of the American Legion since 1971 and if they were to invite BiG Comrade and Coward in Chief I would tear my membership card up. Listen up VFW, someone took Klintons place in Arkansas when he pulled the wool over the eyes of the Col. in charge of the draft board there. That unknown may have died in Klintons place. This country has surely sunk to a stage lower than whale you know what. I would have more respect for the VFW if they had invited General Giap(deceased however) At least he was not a coward and fought for his nation.Oh,by the way, i hear that Vietnam will be importing a whole lot of goodies into this country soon. Thanks again, Big comrade!
Floyd2U, with all due respect, your suggestion would have us honoring anyone sitting in that chair, even if he was a clear traitor to this country and its freedoms. Come to think of it, he may indeed be a traitor to both ... ;)