Biggest rip-off seen in past year

I sold a 100 round box of 6.5mm 150 grain Sierra MatchKings on GB for $0.35 last month. Shipping was $8.95. Dude got a steal. :)

Saw a few JM stamped Marlins sell for around $2,000 in the last month.

But taking the cake for me was a case of Win AAs that was priced at $300. Over $1 a round for target 12g loads.
People can ask whatever they want for their product. They can ask a wildly outrageous price and it still isn't a rip off. As long as the seller isn't concealing or hiding anything and the buyer agrees to pay then no one was ripped off.

Ripping someone off would be charging an outrageous price for something that they need immediately and can't do without and using that as your basis for charging the high price. Or, advertising something in a certain condition while concealing a defect etc.

Simply putting a case of 556 on the shelf and charging a million dollars isn't ripping anyone off, even if someone is foolish enough to pay.
It is possible to have rip-off prices without getting ripped off :)
This. ^^^^^^^^
All based on need. (Or want)

A guy running out of ammo while repelling intruders is likely more amenable to high prices with immediate delivery than plinkers.

Ok that’s a bit contrived but a hunter who finds out just before leaving may be very glad to pay “CTD” prices for his specific round.
People can ask whatever they want for their product. They can ask a wildly outrageous price and it still isn't a rip off. As long as the seller isn't concealing or hiding anything and the buyer agrees to pay then no one was ripped off.

Ripping someone off would be charging an outrageous price for something that they need immediately and can't do without and using that as your basis for charging the high price. Or, advertising something in a certain condition while concealing a defect etc.

Simply putting a case of 556 on the shelf and charging a million dollars isn't ripping anyone off, even if someone is foolish enough to pay.
And think about it. There are millions of new gun owners quite willing to pay the current prices for ammo. To the point they cannot make it fast enough.
I should say Millions per month. $60.00 for a box of 9mm range ammo to them is a rip off. $45.00 is a hell of a deal.
It seems reloading is the answer for many to the great shortage and high prices. I also reload, but finding prices on components just as bad as finding ammo. Not a solution for myself. All part of the same game.
It seems reloading is the answer for many to the great shortage and high prices. I also reload, but finding prices on components just as bad as finding ammo. Not a solution for myself. All part of the same game.
I started to reload 30 years ago, and except maybe some Vit, Varget and H4350, up until maybe March 2020, could find all the components and dies I ever wanted. I am not sure that will be true ever in 2021.
I suspect prices will start dropping once the American public has more guns and ammunition than the five largest armies of the world put together have.
I figure if someone is willing to bid up the price on Gunbroker, then it ain't gouging it's just crazy.

That said, I sold some ammo and primers to help pay for a big gunsmithing bill and I really wish I had waited longer. That way I would have generated all I needed to pay the bill...

Geezerbiker said:
I figure if someone is willing to bid up the price on Gunbroker, then it ain't gouging it's just crazy.
I agree. The only way an auction can be a rip-off is if the seller materially misrepresents the item.
During the last shortage bullet molds were selling for crazy prices. I found that by doing some creative searches on eBay, I could sometimes pick up a mold with handles that I didn't need. Then resell the mold and keep the handles.

I haven't checked if bullet molds are going nuts again. I have most of what I need and a few I probably don't. I know for sure, I don't use what I have enough...

At one time I sold all my 9's so I don't have a good 9mm mold but considering how things are now, I'll wait. Patience is a virtue I need to hone a bit more...

If all else fails, I still have .45 ACP and .357 mag to shoot...

I imagine that there’s an unfathomable amount of ammunition squirreled away in this country.

I don’t think people are shooting that much more than before.

So one day all this ammunition will show up somewhere.

This video by the "human AKM encyclopedia" known as Mishaco on Youtube, in a very short segment at the ;) End of the 922(r) chat implies that a huge number of the cheaper AR parts are made in China. I have no idea at all.:)
Sidenote: Replies from ATF agents about 922(r) to Mishaco are not what the more paranoid "X-Files" people would expect. Actually, somewhat comical. :)
>> This is at 8:00. <<

From Guangdong China: I found a Chinese ad for Aero Precision bolt carriers (4140 steel) and a BC of a different brand. This was only a quick, random search for "AR parts from China".
This might be just an infinitesimally tiny bit of what seems to be available in the US for ARs.

How good is the quality on receiver parts built there? ----Simply curious----and they seem to produce Lots of recoil buffers, tubes etc.. All of my centerfire rifles are imported AKMs and a very nice Czechpoint VZ-58, for proper context here.
Why " beat around the bush"?
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I have seen some crazy prices like a brick of Federal Thunder bolts for $135. n I didn't need it so I didn't buy it. I have found 223/5.56 m for a buck or more a round. I did go shooting this Saturday and a bunch of 223, 45acp, and 22lr. Had a good time and look forward to my next range day.
Lets pretend I own a gunstore.

Lets pretend I'm pure of heart,an altruist,and all around nice guy.I want to share the wealth with my fellow shooters.

And,I have a substantial quantity of old stock ammo .

So,I put out 9mm,45 ACP,white box at $ 35 a box of 100.Oh,and take the kids shooting!! I am selling 22 LR at $15 a brick!!

Will you be outraged that I,gun store owner, am being ripped off? What??

You say that is different? Ripoff only works one way??? What was that?

You say I'm selling at my own free will? Ahhh.I see.

Are you buying at your own free will? Ultimately,isn't price set by what you are willing to pay?

If I did have a gunstore,and if I did put ammo out at yesterday's fantasy prices, I'll tell you how it would go.

Before the 10th customer came in,the cellphones would come out,somebody with spare cash would come in and clear the shelves of all cheap ammo,and they would laugh at me while they did it.

And a Dad would come in and say "I'd like to take my family out to shoot the 22's. I'm out of ammo. I'd pay $50 for a brick of 22 LR"

I'd have to tell him " I priced mine at $15 a brick,then one guy bought it all"

In order to feel "Ripped off" I have to assume the role of "Victim".

I set my own limits on what I will pay. Then I make a choice. I don't get ripped off.

Maybe if you paid enough that you feel ripped off you could go on Oprah ,tell your story,pass the Kleenex around and have a group hug.
The ammo thing happening now is nothing new. It happened repeatedly during Obama. If, as a gun owner, you didn't take advantage of the lulls in the insanity. Or hadn't previously stocked up my opinion is you just weren't paying attention. My plan was long range and took place over a decade. I would buy 1 or 2 boxes of various caliber ammo every time I got paid. I built up a good supply without killing myself financially. I honestly have no bought any ammunition in well over a year.

A funny story though is the other day I told my wife I was going to go out and shoot one of my .22's. I had 75 rounds. With all seriousness she looks at me and says can we afford for you to do that? I said of course dear, 75 rounds of .22 is a mere drop in the bucket and I need to keep my skills sharp. She was in tune with the situation and concerned.
HiBC said:
Are you buying at your own free will? Ultimately, isn't price set by what you are willing to pay?

Yes indeed. A concept that far too many don't seem to understand anymore. The price of any item that you do not buy under compulsion is literally, totally, and 100% dictated by the *buyer*.
The seller can only make suggestions.

In a great many cases, threats of legal action and allegations of "price gouging" actually LIMIT supply, slow down recovery and leave people without.