Bigfoot - What would YOU do?

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Better start him off in a LOW class strip joint. The girls there are usually pretty hairy - unshaved legs, armpits, netherlands and such. It would make him feel like less of a freak. Who says I ain't multi-culturally friendly?

How about taking him to see all the Wookies in the Star Wars movie? He'd prolly be arrested for PeeWee Hermaning the seats in front of him. Sorry, that was uncalled for.

Back to the thread!!! :)
Bigfoot is dead.

SHE died several years ago, in Florida. It was near the Gulf coast.

She had settled there several years prior, and was quietly living the retired life, only occasionally terrifying neighbors and visiting family for 'old times sake.'

How do I know this?

She was my mother-in-law.........

Bigfoot gets as much led as I can put into him as possible. I believe the scientific recognition that yes, they -do- exist would be more useful than just another good story. Sides....I hear thems good eatin!
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