Bigfoot - What would YOU do?

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If people are toting guns in looking for this creature I hope they have a sense of responsibility and don’t shoot one. From what little we know about the possibility that such a creature exists they probably exist in very low numbers. There was a “wild” Indian found in California in the 1920’s that was the last member of his tribe. He was befriended by a local Professor that wrote a book about the poor guys life and his vanished tribe.
ISHI: A Real-Life The Last Of The Mohicans
I always remember the account one of the hunting mags had several years ago. Deer hunter in N. California parked his truck for a moment (I think to get rid of an earlier cup of coffee if I remember correctly). Looking out over the terrain he spotted movement, . . . and got real excited when he saw it was a sasquatch.

He grabbed his scoped rifle, . . . and eased down into the brush to get a shot. When he put his scope on it, . . . turned out to be a her, . . . she was breast feeding her infant, . . . stroking its face just like a human mother. He said there wasn't enough money in the world would have got him to shoot her.

Thought it was neat, . . . wish all felt that way about them.

May God bless,
Uh...I hope to hell that you people are just kidding....uh, right? You all don't really believe in a Bigfoot, Sasquatch..Loch Ness etc.? Right? Huh? Oh, wait...actually I do too!! Yes, I do...and I have a piece of swampland for sale, only eleventy bajillion's worth it too, 'cause I saw Bigfoot and the Easter Bunny playing hide and go seek on it, just last week..any takers??!!
Uh...I hope to hell that you people are just kidding....uh, right? You all don't really believe in a Bigfoot, Sasquatch..Loch Ness etc.?

Yeah, like scientist and biologist aren't finding new species all the time. You know, like that glowing fish in the deep part of the sea, which we haven't been able to reach bottom, you know, stuff like that.

If a man can hide from the most intrusive federal agencies for over 5 years, what makes one think that a creature used to doing it can't do it for hundreds of years?

I don't discount anything because anything could happen.

Think of a primate whose greatest survival behavior is to keep from being seen by human beings. It would be smart, and guess what, we wouldn't see them very often. If they are real, they existed along side us for a long while and to be seen by us meant death. Remember also they had to hide from stone age man first, whose senses were probably better trained than ours are today.

American Indian culture has many stories of large hairy men long before large hairy europeans showed up. As history progesses many of our ancient myths are turning out to be true or have some element of truth.

When they find hair after one of these findings, sightings, it is usaully found to be from an unknown primate. Some cyrptobiologists are studing the tracks and track individuals for years and watch the structure of the foot change with age. I will be suprised if they found one but not shocked. A real live sasquatch is totally within the realms of possiblity.

And if I see one, I won't shoot.
Hahahahahaahhhahahahhhhaaaaaaaaahahahahaaa...boy this stuff is good. Thanks all for the laugh, I seriously needed it.
gulogulo1970 said pretty much what I was thinking as I read the posts.

If they're real then they have to be smart. They know enough to stay away from humans...

I don't discount anything because anything could happen.

Agree here too.

I'd leave it alone and just watch in awe.
I think of bigfoot the same way I do aliens. Sure it's possible but - not probable. I just find it hard to believe that the Patterson film and the Scookum cast are the only "hard evidence" of bigfoot.

Did I mention that there was a "legitimate" bigfoot about 15 miles from my house here in southwest Virginia. There is also alot of corn liquor made in swVA. Cooincidence?!?!
Im not sure they exist, but if i ever saw one i would never shoot at it. Id turn around, walk away and never talk to anyone about it. Id also talk to my local supplier and ask him what it was in the purple haze he sold me :)
I don't know if they exist (Bigfoot), but I don't doubt they're out there. Same as aliens and ghosts.

I just find it hard to believe that after all the sightings, and all the hoopla, that we haven't at least found bones and/or a rotting carcass??? Or maybe we have and I just haven't read about it.

Definitely wouldn't shoot one unless it became aggressive. As stated, if they exist, it's in low numbers. If they exist they deserve respect for being able to survive undetected (as in hard proof - not sightings) for so long. I couldn't shoot something I wouldn't eat.
Well I would not want to shoot one. I would have to make a careful consideration. The only way to prove its existence is either a body or a VERY clear photograph. Dozens are better than one and I stress the VERY VERY clear.

Yes I believe it is possible that they do exist. As noted, it means something when aborigines recall similar creatures.

Further, I HIGHLY doubt that a person would EVER have to shoot one in self-defense. If they do exist they are one of the most impressive survivalists and do so through evasion, not brawn. I doubt one would ever attack... more like whack you, grab its young and flee.

Boy I would sure like to see one. How much is that swamp land? :D
in this life ANYTHING is possible. but highly unlikely that bigfoot exists today. I have no doubts that a primate resembling bigfoot existed somewhere in human history, a few million years ago. perhaps it did survive untill fairly recently. recently enough for native americans to have legends about them. but you also have to realise that native americans lived in north america for hundreds of thousands of years, some recent finding indicate millions of years. they also had legends of giant cats with 2 spear heads for teeth (saber tooth cat), bears with long legs and short faces (cave bear), and birds with 20+ foot wing spans (ancient eagle or condor) and other ice age era animals.
and as far as the patterson film and scookum cast...the cast may be real but the men (confirmed) behind the patterson film came out a few years ago and admitted that it was a haux, they even showed the suit that was used, put it on and re=enacted the fimling. so sadly that film was a haux, unless the haux was when they came out and said it was fake.
The Patterson film has yet to be "debunked." It is still fully bunked. :)

As others have said, if this species is genuine, it has defied ALL the odds of being discovered. Extremely (X10) unlikely that a species of this reported size could live, breed, and die without ANY sign of its having been there. No bones ever found, no poopies ever found, no abandoned dwellings ever found. Humans are simply too ubiquitous and intrusive to have not stumbled onto some trace of his existence, outside of one out-of-focus filming.

BUT! The Ivory Billed Woodpecker was thought to be extinct for decades. There were fully documented sightings earlier this year. We don't know everything!
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