Big Snake Hunting

Florida does most certainly allow the use of bang sticks in 357 or 44; they are sold at the airboats makers and others who cater to supplying the gear for gator hunters
Flip your perspective.
I was referring to the use of things OTHER than bang sticks - such as those you protested against in the originally quoted retort.
So we are talking a constrictor and nothing venomous?

I'd take something small and Hi-cap, let's say my S&W 469 or a 6906. I'd let him swallow me... then I'd shoot my way out! That would be a great story for the Grandkids! :D
40’ ambush-apex predator snake in his environment?
Yea, right.
This or don’t go: (in the optional aircraft mount)

In answer to the subject of the thread- big snakes, I think I'd stick with 12-gauge & 00Buck, go for the head.

No interest in crocagators.
SxS coachgun, loaded with buckshot....probably #1 or ought. Short barrels make for easier swing with a snake wrapped around ya. Would be a close range shot, no need for anything else.
Old German Mauser - With bayonet fixed!

Snakes, of any size, don't scare me as much as they probably should. I'd enjoy the chance to "dance the spears" with one that size. Worst case scenario: It wins, and I have a rather impressive obituary.

(If this is a serious thread and missed that point.... oops!)
Problem is, even if you vut the head off, their nervous system is so primative that it keeps the snake "alive". It will continue to crawl off. If it gets a couple loops thrown around you it will continue to squeeze. When we used to hunt rattlesnakes, you could cut the head off. Skin and gut them, and if you pinch the tail, the stump will strike your arm. It's a good "bravery" test for a newbie.
I could probably walk to the everglades from my work. I thought about applying to be a paid python hunter but to get the license you have to do 3 live removals and I'm not about to wrangle a live python.

12 gauge is probably the right idea. A .223 would work too. Snakes are pretty dormant and slow moving unless you threaten them. They'd rather ball up and posture at you than chase you down. A .223 in the head should make it an easy kill.

I've mused a couple times that a 7.62 Tokarev with hollow points might be an ideal Everglades fishing gun. Seems it would work well on hog and python alike.
I think my new Semi-Auto 12 gauge w/ 10rd mag would be up for the job. Might need some drums though as the Gargantuan Anaconda may have friends or kinfolk.

Spent quite a bit of time in Brazil, they do have Anacondas. Fellows I was training found one that was over 5 meters long and nearly as big around as a mans waist. They had some belief that these big snakes were like a spiritual entity and simply picked it up and put it back in the river. I nearly ran like a little girl screaming all the way back the the U.S. (slight exaggeration).

Not sure what gun should be used on one.....but like Ruark says, "Use Enough Gun!"