Big Knives and Airport Security

Outstanding job. If I may only add. You are in a hurry, they aren't. One tip I read: Carry a self addressed padded envelope to mail your expensive knife to yourself if the fight looks like a loseing one.
Thanks for the heads up. I've carried my Spyderco and Leatherman tools
through Memphis airport security in the past without any real problems. It may be that they were on a "high alert" status because of Y2K terrorist concerns.
The worst problem that I've had was with a laser rangefinder in my backpack when on the way to a Colorado bowhunting trip. The security guys had never seen one, and I had to spend some time showing them how it worked. After the demonstration they sent me on my way.
I think serrated knives have been prohibited for a while, but not allways enforced.
Back in July I carried my Buck Solitarie (non-serrated) through Orlando Intl. without much of a glance from security, in fact they seemed more concearned about my cell phone than anything else.


Root Hog or Die Poor
could someone please tell me why they are so worried about the serrated edge?
On a flight to Texas from New Orleans, my lil brother had to replace the dead batteries in his walkman and then prove that it worked before they would allow him thru security.
The reason they don't like knives with "teeth" is because they look mean. That is the only reason. Airport secutity is to comfort the passangers. I would LOVE to get permission "in writing with lots and lots of wittnesses" to take mock firearms, knifes, mock explosives thru secutity. In some airports I have been to it would be so easy. "I can't tell you what I once took on a plane.... I thought I had taken it out of my carry on bag. didn't notice it till half way to Texas. Was very glad didn't have to change planes before destination.."
I rarely fly commercial, but the only time I ever snagged a first class ticket, I ordered a steak and was brought a fully serrated 5" knife. Still don't know how that gal got it past them smart secur-i-tee folks, but it was not enough tool for the job!