Big guys, how do you carry?

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Agtman, I've read some pretty asinine things over the years on this forum and chose to let it go but this is over the top. Go back to looking in the mirror at yourself while you do your arm curls. You have offered no help to the OP what so ever. You have only offended him and many others with your smarta$$ comments.

As for the OP, I hope you find the right style carry method that works for you. It took me several different holsters and carry locations to land on what works for me.
Well, I'm tall slender guy who works out. Walking down the sidewalk, a big, portly obese fella (who's now diabetic from all the high glucose intake) could well pass-out (or slip) and fall on me while EDC-ing. In doing so, his gun could go off. That makes being "armed while obese" a public-safety risk. Worse, if the same scenario happens inside a public transport, like a bus or in a cabin on an Amtrak train. Trapped in tight quarters, beneath 400lbs of concealed carrier, I might never get help. Why, it'd be even worse if the victim was a short, small fella or gal.

This has to be the single stupidest thing I've seen someone post on a gun site.
Dude, I'm not pushing for a categorical prohibition on concealed carry by fat-folk. My idea is actually reasonable. It would be a condition for carry under your state's CCW statute - similar to "making weight" before an MMA or boxing event.

Let's say you're a 6'ft male, average build. It wouldn't even have to be a super-strict standard. Maybe a statutory standard that would say something like, "for that height & build, you must be under 220lbs."

Okay, so you first apply for your CCW permit. Once your application is approved, it's conditional on passing the "weigh-in" procedure. You show up at the S.O.'s office, the local PD, or whatever agency issues your state's CCW permits, and at that time you have to "make weight."

A duly appointed and trained officer will weigh you as the final official step in the issuance of your permit. If the scale sez 220lbs or under, congrats!, you get your permit. If you're over that weight, an obnoxiously loud buzzer goes off, "BZZZZZ!", and it's Permit DENIED! ... And by the way, whether it's 3-yrs, or 5-yrs, or whatever, you'll need to be under the statutory weight limit when you return at renewal time. Don't think you can score a permit and then start slacking on the couch stuffin' donuts & Bon-Bons.

A legislative mandate like this not only benefits you in terms of personal health - at least if you want to go armed outside your home - but by requiring you to be in some minimally adequate physical shape to go armed, the rest of us receive a crossover benefit of safety, especially the kids.

I mean, no one wants to see some kid killed by your .44Mag snubby because it discharged when your 345-lbs corpse hit the floor at Pizza Hut during a cardiac infarction as you were trying to elbow your way to the front of the buffet line. ... I mean, really?

And when you think about it, it's all for the kids. They're our future.

I stand corrected. THIS is the single stupidest thing I've seen someone post on a gun site.
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