Saw it.
Biscardi promised proof. What was given was crap. There were 3 photographs and the results of 3 DNA tests. The photos were the one we have all seen, a closeup of the head supposedly proving it isn't a mask, and one of a live Bigfoot walking in the woods. The first image stands as dubious. The second didn't substantiate anything and certainly that it wasn't a mask. The third was supposed to be clear, but it was supposedly of the back of a Bigfoot walking away and you can't see squat(ch).
The DNA results were...
1 inconclusive
2 human
3 opossum
So the only primate DNA was human. This means that the DNA didn't prove crap either.
Biscardi supposedly has the carcass in a safe house but doesn't have any photographs of his own and he can't get more out of "the boys." Strange.
He is going to have some "Russians" look at the remains and is inviting Richard Klein, a Stanford paleontologist. I have no idea about the "Russians" but Klein is an actual scholar, but Klein is on holiday and hasn't responded to the invitation.
The claim was made repeatedly that they had the real thing, the body, the carcass, but no such proof was offered.
Even if they had some DNA results, without the actual carcass for context, who is to say what the DNA is from?
I find it really interesting that Whitton and his buddy drug out a 550 lb carcass from the woods, given that Whitton has only one useful hand.
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