Big Buck Canned Hunts

well theres high fence, pay out the butt, hunting ranches everywhere. where you pay 5grand for a 400 class elk and its no kill no pay. thats the places im talking about. youre missing my point guy. im not talking about the wild areas, im talking about the "pay a fortune to hunt tame animal spots, these places are all over texas and everywhere else in the west. if youre hunting the wild areas where theres no high fences, then youre cool with me and im not even referring to you and you are jumping the gun on me. if you do hunt high fence, then i am talking to you and you need to try real hunting.
You're gonna get hazed some more on this one, bigtime man, and deservedly so, because you're missing the point.

On the one hand, you say high fence necessarily = novice hunter/not a real hunter.

On the other hand, you say "no, don't misunderstand me; what I'm talking about is canned hunts on 500-1000 acres, where it's like shopping."

Problem is, those two things are not one and the same. Many many high fence areas are HUGE areas where there's no guarantee of success and it IS fair chase, for all intents and purposes, because the area enclosed is much larger than the animals' natural free range anyway, and they have plenty of cover to hide in and elude the hunter.

So you're mistaken when you say high fence = not a hunter. You'll be wanting to retract that. Because it ain't so. Now, you MIGHT fairly say something like "high fence, less than 1,000 acres, animals fed all their food, and no trees for them to hide in" = not a hunter. But as it stands, your statement is way too broad. You should go back and re-read all of Art Eatman's posts in this very thread, and it will explain things to you better.
(quote) I'm talking about the "pay a fortune to hunt tame animal spots, these places are all over texas and everywhere else in the west.

News to me and I have lived in the western states over 50 years now, hunted in a few, and have traveled through most of them extensively.

But then I bet they are embarrassed and hide them kinda places mostly.
let me try to fix my half asleep writings of last night.
my definition of fair chase would be: hunting a wild animal that has a 100% chance of getaway if spooked. whether its from a stand, stalking, blind, over a food plot, over a feeder.
BS fake hunting is IMO: hunting a canned in area, where the deer can be ran into you, cant escape, these guaranteed kill areas. where the deer are like cattle and you just pick and shoot.
it may be right for another, but not for me. i hunt national forest here in Va. and usually do ok, considering the massive hunting pressure. also some private land, with 5ft fences:D
i may have misworded it a little bit, but i hope you guys see my point now. and if youre ever hunting in Va or tenn. look me up. we'll go after one!:D theyre pretty hard to get here, as im sure they are in the west too. different hunting, but same motive.
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But since the Anti's aren't reading this...

...I'm going to go with VA on this one. If an animal hits a fence where I hunt it's up and over (or down & under) and he keeps right on going. When an animal hits a high fence he's got 2 choices: Left or right. Kinda narrows it down, huh:rolleyes:

I think you are spot on about these places staying hidden. Can you imagine the outrage we would all feel if they came out & said "We got tame Elk goin' 400 B&C, and you can shoot one this week only for just $999.95" on a billboard? No, instead these people are free to browse the errornet looking for a "hunt" that ballances a 100% kill rate against their own tollerance for greed, deceipt, lust, glory, etc. Kind of like internet porn, really. Except that in the end a majestic animal that should not have been fenced in gets to get killed! Now they are free to go back to the office and spin what lies they like about their "hunting trip", and all without the inconveinience of actually having to learn fieldcraft or get their hands bloody.:mad:
Ok va-gunwhatever hunting in Texas either in High Fence or low fence it doesnt matter deer are so thick here you are gona see butt loads. I can bet you that most everybody on this fourm would much rather see 20 deer in a day then 2 deer. Also hunting in a high fence in Texas you are ussally hunting on a Ranch that is well over 5,000 acers I would like to see you in one day walk from fence to fence on that. You would never make it the Brush Country would eat you alive. I challenge you to come to Texas to hunt I'll bet that before you leave you will have another hunt booked, It is the best hunting in North America for Whitetail thats cause thats what we Eat,Sleep and Breath down here. We know how to grow the best.:D :D :D
Make sure to bring a good set of needlenose pliers for the cactus thorns, and maybe a handgun with snakeshot.

I don't think the rattlers hibernate down there.
okay shureshot.

texas hunting is something i want to do bad. only hunting here is woods hunting. i want to ride the senderos and fight the thickets too:D lets go huntin dude. ill show you a world that you dont know about also.youd like a Va. hunt as much as id like the texas id bet. something different always makes for a great time! it would be a great deal for the both of us. theres good deer around hereif you know where to look. . no one manages or anything like that here or thered be more and better deer but i know where the big boys hide though!:D id love to hunt texas, for deer and antelope. i want elk too. i have 2 blak bears and a few deer worthy of the wall. though i never mounted them, only saved the horns. i want a real bruiser to make the wall, ya know. 150 or better. my best couple may make 120in. and both bear were about 300lbs. the last bear i got was in 1998. biggest deer ive got here is a 19 1/2 in 8 pointer. i have a few good deer. i might get some shots of the horns to let you guys check em out.
Well thats whats good about Texas now my lease is in the hard woods of east Texas. I have been lucky enough though in my 20 years to get to hunt and experince most all Texas has to offer. If I wind up getting time off from work this year of guiding mabey we can get toghter and do some hunting.:D :D :D
White-tails or white tail?

I can shoot Whitetails like that here in MT, but it looks like the white, tail hunting in Tex@$$ is first rate!
ive done packed half of my belongings and told my mama bye! im moving to Texas!:D i wish there was work for guiding around here. id love to get paid to take people hunting. i know its alot of work but when work is your passion, its not really work. i hunt everyday od the season here and put in months of scouting prior and after season. i find early spring as good of a scouting time as early fall...for the next season, of course:D id drop everything to go on a hunt out west though. it seems i got the short end of the stick being put where im at. i try to make the most of it though. Va. has a little to offer if you can go deeper into thier home than anyone else does. its basically the man who wants it the most will have the best chance here. so i try hard:)
samsmix and shureshot:

also, when does rut fall in where you guys hunt? it kicks in around mid nov. here. though its rather mild due to the awful buck/doe ratio and high hunting pressure.
Early to mid Nov here as well, but all the rut means here is a change of tactics. I frequently have my buck by then, but the rut shore 'nuff makes 'em stupid, don't it?

Hmmm...Like when I was a teenager!
yea, if i can find a good area to set up in the rut, its the best chance to kill a monster here. though im hard-pressed to find an area where is rut is strong.
Anthony Terry, I'll repeat that it's my belief that these small-pasture, high-fence "hunting ranches" are most likely less than 1% of huntable lands in Texas. Heck, probably a lot less. I know of none in Brewster County, which is four million acres. Heck, the west pasture of the 02 Ranch has 28 miles of highway frontage; it's some fifteen miles deep--and low fenced.

Can you work the Google mapping programming? Look up "Terlingua", and then drag the country some fifteen miles to the north of it into view. That's my playground country. "Solitario"; "Lefthand Shutup", and "Agua Fria Mountain". If you're up for ten to fifteen miles a day of hunting walking, you might find a buck. If you know where to look...

:), Art
id like to try some texas hunting one day Art. i usually walk anywhere from 200yds to 5miles each day in these mountains. id love to try a stalk type hunt. anything different would be awesome. lets go huntin man!:D ill bring the women!