Biden to put Beto O'Rourke in charge of gun control

It just might clear up the ambiguity of whether or not the gun control folk are going to take our guns away.

It was ambiguous?????? to WHOM??

I think "Hell yes we're going to take your ARs and AKs!!" was pretty clear. I found the honesty (and public relations stupidity) refreshing. DO note how fast Beto was "yanked off the public stage", after committing the unpardonable sin of openly admitting their goals in public, ON THE RECORD.

Was it three whole days, or only two before he "withdrew" his candidacy? Don't think it was any longer than that.

In the sense of the enemy being out in the open (at last) him being named to head the antigun effort is a good thing. In the sense that he has nothing to lose politically (and points to gain with his masters) so there will be little beyond the law holding him back. And we've seen how much good that does...

so in that sense, not so much good there...
In the sense of the enemy being out in the open (at last) him being named to head the antigun effort is a good thing.

That's exactly what I'm talking about.

I'm hoping it will remove the blinders or rose colored glasses from firearms folks that think this latest round of "universal background checks" and "red flag (gun confiscation) laws" isn't going to be that bad or that it is all the gun control folk want.
I will, once again, suggest everyone read about Pastor Martin Niemoeller and his experiences.

When they come for the ARs and AKs, don't think your deer rifle and duck gun is safe's NOT...
i think its awesome how the dems have finally had to take these types of stands, i guess in an effort to secure their base of voters. Back in the pre-liberal days, the dems had enough sense to lie about things like these and get elected and then try to sneak the legislation thru (or ram it thru).

when you dumb down the electorate this much you cant be subtle any more i guess lol
Unfortunately, Trump has been such a total screw up that millions of voters think getting rid of him is the only thing that matters. Lots of politically middle of the road gun owners will vote for Biden without thinking about what Biden and Beto have agreed to.
BarryLee---it was worth going to the web site you mentioned:

just to find out there's a new acronym in town: LCAM---Large Capacity Ammunition Magazine. :rolleyes:

I personally enjoyed it when some TV News "journalists" started calling magazines "magazine-clips" to show how "gun savvy" they were. I suggested they go whole hog and use the term "magazine-clip-thingy" so ALL the bases were covered but I think my suggestion was ignored.
the leadership of one party has made gun control (focusing on assault weapons, first) as one of their political party planks. No one will rise to the candidate level in that party, under its current leadership, without embracing and supporting those ideas.

the other party assumes our support because, realistically, we have no other place to go.

PART of what got Trump elected was the ABH factor (anybody BUT Hillary). If you don't want more (and more restrictive up to actual confiscation) gun control, the choice today, seems to be "Anybody But a Democrat."

Which doesn't mean the Republicans are our friends or staunch defenders of our rights, either, just that they aren't AS focused on gun control as their opponents.

One of our problems (and yes we did create it) is that we have, for a long time, been electing people to LEAD us, instead of REPRESENT us. And we don't get to pick and choose what they do, we only get offered "package deals" which ALWAYS contain some things that are bad, along with some good.

I think its wonderful that the Dems have taken the gloves off, and are no longer pretending to be our friend on gun rights so they can stab us in the back when we're looking at something else. I think in an open "Stand up" fight they will lose. Of course, I'm just one of the deplorables in the basket, and not worth millions of dollars, didn't go to the right schools, and don't play their game their way, so what do I know? :rolleyes:
Biden will lose in Texas at current pace, so he's trying to suck up to the center that like Trump but want gun control of some type.
We'll see
There are people that think Biden is the New Center Christ come to save us all from the Anti-Pres Trump. There is a hole in the political center you could drive truck through right now.
I'm not a Trump fan, but all of the candidates offered by the other party are pretty much standing on the edge of the left field warning track and wondering how to get over that wall to keep up their race to "progress."
So far every presidential candidate that has run on a gun control platform has lost. Biden is far more over the top on confiscation than any before him and that's not likely to do him any good...

So far every presidential candidate that has run on a gun control platform has lost.

Obama won. Twice. Gun control was part of the Democratic party "planks" then, too. The main difference is that Obama (and his people) didn't push it, or focus on it as one of their main issues.

Not pushing it hard, keeping it off the front page and just slipping it in when and where they saw a chance kept the main focus off it, and them doing it.

We were so sure he would push it, and come after our guns with everything he had, if elected, created the first wave of "panic buying", and shortages due to that. And then, he didn't. Could have, certainly some of his party wanted him to do more, but he didn't, and it was one of the smartest political moves he ever made.

today's candidates either can't understand that lesson, or simply don't care.

Biden is boasting how he will "go after" the gun makers, because they "can't be sued", unlike every other manufacturer. And, as usual, he's got that wrong. Again. Gun makers CAN be sued, just like everyone else, IF they make a DEFECTIVE product. What they are specifically protected against is being sued if some 3rd party breaks the law using their product.
i think its awesome how the dems have finally had to take these types of stands, i guess in an effort to secure their base of voters
Securing the voter base used to be a noble thing. Back when voters actually formulated opinions and thoughts based on facts, logic, and reason.

Look how far its degraded, in just the last 15 years. Back in 2005, it was still a taboo thing for someone to announce in public their support of communism. I remember articles being written by leftists for independent local newspapers using the tagline "written in an undisclosed location". Their supporters concealed their extreme-left positions because they feared losing their jobs, being scorned in public.

Now, we have a significant portion of the population that has embraced communism and openly announces it. Granted, most wear facemasks, but that's mostly to be able to commit acts of violence in their mob while having little fear of being caught.

Its no wonder that candidates now are pandering to the extremists like Biden and Beto are.
I'm in conversations with people who despise the current president and will absolutely in now way vote for him. They, while basically lovers of freedom refused to vote for him the first time and voted for his position instead. It's these types of conversations that pretty much remove any doubt that we would willingly give up our rights, because candidate A or B is imperfect. It never fails. The left will vote with the left 120% of the time and the right will do a two or three party split, because perfection has not been found. 1A is already gone, where people said it would never be so. 2A will be lost via a public who looks for a savior, and the other rights will mean nothing. I came from a country where everything was lost overnight. Everyone said it wouldn't happen there either. We've all lost sight of the big picture and the greater good, so selling out is just the natural progression of things. Biden an Beto will be the least of our problems.
Biden, as listed on his website, is proposing going MUCH further than the pending "Boyfriend Loophole", and making ALL Misdemeanor Assault, stalking, harrassment convictions (regardless of any relationship to the victim!), retroactively grounds for Federal prohibition of firearms ownership. Yes, a simple assault misd. charge from a college barfight 35 years ago will now suddenly render you a prohibited person, same as a Felon, under Biden's plan. How law abiding you have lived since that decades old mistake of youth matters not, Biden and the left doesn't want you to own a gun now. Like chopping a tree, they intend to chip away at who can own guns and what kind of guns you are allowed to own, one law at a time. They want to institute the same Draconian Rules as they already have in Hawaii and California on a FEDERAL level. :mad: Can you imagine if he gets elected what he else he will do? Assualt weapons? All Semiautomatics? That will be just the beginning. They want them ALL! The NRA needs to fight this tooth and nail. :eek:
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Highly Political: How can any firearms owner, or potential owner, ever support the Democratic platform, regardless of who the candidate is? Watching Mr. Biden's telling the autoworker that he was -"full of sh@t" when questioned about firarms was EXEMPLARY of his/their position. He specifically stated he was going to "take away AR's" and "who needs 100 rounds". What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do they NOT understand?
What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do they NOT understand?

pretty much all of it...

Remember Biden is the guy who said "all you need is a 12ga", and how to defend yourself you should just shoot it in the air, then the cops will come...

He also recently said 150 MILLION Americans have been killed by guns since 2007. He also recently confused his wife and his sister when both were standing next to him....

And, he's the guy who, when asked why the Fed govt doesn't more vigorously prosecute people who try to buy guns illegally said "We don't have time for that!"
He said he supports the 2nd Amendment, but "you don't get to own any gun you want..."

These people seem to believe they are not infringing our rights as long as we are allowed to own A gun of some type THEY approve of.

to my way of thinking this is the same as the USSR claiming they were a republic and had free elections. They were, but there was only one political party on the ballot, and only party members could vote... :rolleyes:
He shouldn’t be talking to ordinary citizens like that. Heated exchange between other politicians and leaders is one thing, but a politician getting in a citizen’s face like that is inexcusable... even if Trump or someone else did it.

Also if he thinks 100rds is a lot... well, *snicker to myself*