Bicycle gun mount?

Avoid the bike/gun holster idea. Too easy to get separated from it in a time you most need it - like say you're tackled or pushed off your bike (which would be easy to do on a trail).

Skip ankle holsters which shin in sedentary or walking situations but are terrible if you have to run, and presumably equally bad during biking with the constant motion, banging against bike etc.

Skip lower back carry as a fall could be crippling on your spine.

You're left with waistband or chest or shoulder holster carry, IWB or OWB. Take your pick.

When I run, I wear a thin waist pack that is made for a small handgun and magazine. It fits tightly and is discrete. Lots of various designers.
I can see why bicyclists need to carry. When a cyclist squeezes between cars and the curb while the cars are stopped at a traffic light, causing traffic to remain backed up behind them block by block when the lights turn green, some car drivers look like they are about to explode. I can't imagine why.:confused:
I don't own a road bike, and don't carry when mountain biking. When I ride my mountain bike at night on the streets (summer), I wear cargo shorts (padded bike shorts underneath) with a king tuk iwb hoster with a glock 23. I don't ride major streets, mostly residential, and can easily go 20 miles on my 30 lb full suspension hog, getting a pretty good workout. There aint nowhere to put much of a gun kitted out with road gear.
I carry a ruger LCP in a pocket holster in my right rear shirt pocket. I also have a spare mag, but I'm not religious about bringing it. The LCP doesn't print, and I wouldn't care if it did (I'm in KY, and I suspect many cyclists are carrying). I have my phone, ID, and a little cash in a waterproof cell case in another pocket. Gels and stuff in the left. Tools, tubes, etc in a seat pack.

My firearm NEVER leaves my person. Unfortunately, I've been around too many times where my person left my bike...

When mountain biking I pocket carry or pocket carry in my appendix area in my camelbak backpack.

Get a good pocket holster. It makes a heck of a difference. Also, lube the crap out of your firearm. Sweat doesn't do it any favors.
Why did I imagine a Isis style machine gun mounted on a bicycle :D

I'd say 511 holster shirt or a fanny pack

Beware a 511 holster shirt won't keep a full sized beretta in lol

At work, I actually wear a holster shirt with a belly band kinda over the barrel and trigger area because I bend over a lot and the belly band keeps things steady
I've tried all kinds of approaches to this issue. I even had a mount for a rifle on the bike!


Ultimately I abandoned keeping the firearm on the bicycle and went with a Maxpedition manpurse. I also found a shoulder holster worked well if you could keep your jacket from flying open and flashing it. Hip and waist holsters are annoying due to the constant movement of the hips and legs. And I didn't like the idea of landing on a SOB holster. The bag has been working great for me for years now, but you have to have strong manpurse discipline! Meaning no leaving the danged thing in restrooms.

To a serious road bike fan, anything mounted to the bike is a no-no, unless its a water bottle or two. Packs, pumps, all that is verbotten, unless you are a genuine, cross country tourer. "Its all about the bike" goes the saying. And "kit" the jerseys, helmet, , glasses, socks etc, get similar scrutiny. A fanny pack, or even a Camelback water bladder, is a culture faux pas. Just the way the serious riders are. Sort of like the gun culture....what fool would scope a PA/KY long rifle ? Yeah, I know, its been done, but it ain't right.

So road bike folks carry everything else in the multipocketed jerseys they wear, tubes, tools, snacks.....I don't see why a compact handgun can't go there too., inside some type of wallet holster to avoid printing too much.
When I ride, I occasionally wear a cycling jacket with a pocket clear across the back and a zipper on each end. It's meant to carry energy bars, etc in, so you can snack on the fly, but I bet it could be modified somehow. The problem is that it's verbal lightweight nylon, meant more for visibility and wind protection than warmth. But I wonder if you could sew an inner pocket in?
allow me

This is not informational, but let me tell a story or two about bikes and guns.

I cycled with a gun as a teen, wanting to ground hog hunt, but no vehicle to take to get to the farm we had permission to hunt. Slung my grandad's vintage M88/.308 over my back and pedaled there, about 5 miles or so, with my trusty "English Racer" 3-speed. Gosh what if I had cracked up? The 88 was the only rifle I had with a sling.

About 10 years ago I was mtn biking back into public land to spring gobbler hunt.
Well before daylight, I was using a head lamp. I was way ahead of the crowd on foot. What a plan! Came to the creek crossing and carried on...heck I'd ridden across there a week ago. It'd rained a good bit since, but I never thought about it. What had been several inches deep was now several feet, and I went head over heels into the drink with the 870 on my back. Had to pour the water out of the barrel, and I was completely soaked. Hunted all morning, "on" several birds, but pedaled out empty handed. I walked the bike across the creek on the way out.

Finally, I'd been known to mtn bike into "bow hunt only" state land near home. Bungeed the bow w/ quiver to the handle bars, and hoisted the climbing stand onto my back with the pack straps. Onward! One night coming out I hit a limb and one of the arrows in the bow quiver came loose, and there were some anxious moments till I got stopped and re-thought the bow on the handlebars business????? I'd nearly gotten a broadhead (which I'd sharpened a few evenings before) thru the guts. The bow went on the stand, on my back. Yeah, ....that was safer....??

Funny now, stupid then.
I have tried to deer hunt with a mountain bike and rifle on a sling.
It is like being beaten with a stick.
Try pistol wear. I've got one of their units and it's like a back brace for lifting only with a pouch on the front. I cycle with mine often with a Ruger LCP
This might have been offered... I don't know because I couldn't keep reading this thread. Even though I spend 20+ hours a week on a bike, I've never felt the urgency to cc when riding. To each his own.

However, this is a place for helpful ideas, so if I did decide to carry, I might consider these:

Or, consider having a local seamstress sew a hip pocket onto a few of your biking shorts. There's not so much movement up high on the outside of your thigh when in the saddle. I don't think it would chafe, and if made of the same material, would be elastic and also conceal very well.

I bet that new Taurus CURVE would be a dandy little piece in this application.
I use a small camera bag with a shoulder strap slung diagonally. Nobody's the wiser.
They come in all shapes and sizes and can be found at thrift shops for a couple bucks.
what if you just strapped the holster to the frame of the bike? You could also attach your holster underneath one of your arms for a cross draw. I don't know how this would work, but I hope it helps!
I'm not a "serious" cyclist, but I do both, mountain and road biking rides and events. When I decide to carry, I use a fanny pack designed for conceal carry. However, I don't wear it around my waist. I wear it diagonally across my shoulder "bandolier style" with the pack across my front. It fits perfectly fine, even when crouched over on a road bike. The only downside is that the particular pack I have is a bit difficult to unholster quickly when compared with a regular holster.

I've never tried a belly band, but it may be easier to unholster. Due to the high 100+ degree heat and humidity here in Texas, though, I've opted not to try a belly band right now. I may consider one for the cooler months when jogging, but for biking, I don't really do much of that in the colder winter months.
Don't know if this is what you had in mind but I have this on my bike for when I ride.

It fits my PT709 and would likely hold my Springfield XD9. I know it's off body, and I don't normally carry off body, but I sweat like a maniac. I like it because I put my phone, keys, garage door opener and spare headlight batteries in the pockets on the other side. It's also good because it's out front closer to the handlebars. There are others closer to the seat that seem like it would be difficult to get to while riding.

I always just ride around my neighborhood, so getting off and taking it with me has not been something I've done.