Beware....Honey Trap HD scenario


New member
Northern VA (reston), my fiance just informed me about a potentially bad situation here about a mile from where I live. Approximately 2 nights ago a woman was frantically knocking on an apartment door asking for help (@ 2:30 am) the man who answered the door opened it, (the woman's accomplice promptly shot him!). Then then robbed the home, and although there is no report on anything happening to the wife. (Of the homeowner) This was in the crime section of the Reston Times.

The question here is: If attractive woman were to knock on my door asking for help after dark - what is the best course of action? Leave her outside while calling the cops? Or bring handgun out, cover her, and let her in? (possibly risking the scenario above?) Or not answering door? (gentlemen your opinions please....)
It's a bad idea to let any stranger into you home.Make the call for them . I did let someone in one dark rainy night, The next house hadn't. His car broke down. BUT I had a gun in my pocket ! Knowing more now I wouldn't.
I make the call for them. I've already had a person (couple of years ago) that knocked on the door late at night and said that he had broken down (car) and that he had a friend in creswell that he wanted to call. I told him that I would call for him (and as I was looking at him, he looked like he had all his lifes belongings with him as most of the bums do here). I asked for the number and he mumbled out a number that I dialed. I asked his name (by now he was figity) and he mumbles "jack".

When the phone was answered I told them that "jack" needed a lift... what, you don't know any "jack".

As I relooked out the peephole, "jack" was no where to be seen. I called the cops who later picked up "jack". Seems as if "jack" was wanted for getting people to open the door, tell them he had a knife, and robbing them of any cash they had on them for his drug habits.

Who's to say a woman can't be just as dangerous as a man...

At that time of night they're all "Jacks" to me.
1. Doorway with good visibility so there cannot be a second person hiding nearby.
2. Motion sensor light that lights up the front door area of the house at night.
3. Intercom to the front door from the bedroom, where I will be at 2:30 AM.
4. Second floor bedroom window looks out onto front door (L-shaped home).

No need to open the door at any time for someone I do not know.
Years ago I had a knock on the door about 2:00AM. I go to the door pistol in hand, look through the peephole and see nobody. I shout WHOS THERE!
A man replies "Ft. Bend Sheriffs dept." I still couldn't see anyone. So I said "step to where I can see you". Then I see a Sheriffs Deputy in full uniform and a whopping 5'2" in cowboy boots. He was too short for me to see through the peephole. :p

Turns out some kids were caught steeling hubcaps and two were missing off my wifes car.
I am one very unfriendly cuss towards unexpected guests and just flat out do not open the front door for anyone I do not know or want to speak to at the moment (not dressed to talk to them, etc.) even during the day. Solicitors can sit on the front porch ringing the bell or knocking until their wrist falls off or moss grows on their shoes.

At night I would definitely make the call for them. They would have to remain on the porch or I would have them go around back where I have excellent view and sweep for the .357 mag/12 GA. If I thought it necessary for them to enter, they would enter knowing they were being covered. No problem with accidentally hitting our nice neighbors as we have only hills out back.
Well, since I live way out in the hills and have this weird old man living on the 40 "next door" I would probably let her in right away - gun in hand, of course.

I actually EXPECT this to happen sometime :(

His trial is next month, so hopefully after that we will be rid of him forever.
We have a standard in our home. We don't answer the door after dark. If it appears there is someone out there in distress we will call 911 for them.
Being the well trained warrior I am , I would have done a front roll out of the front door, unholstered my gun, then made the perp surrender!!


I am always weary. Rarely do I even answer my door during the day because no one I know stops by without calling first. It's usually school kids selling stuff or the town home association going around harassing residents.

I do remember readin an article once on how ot answer a door armed though. It always began with looking out a window first.One way was to use a news paper as a cover up of the gun, the other way was to hld the gun against the door at the target. There was yet one other way, but I don't recall what it was.
While building our house several years ago, got the knock on the front door on a rainy, blustery, spring night about 1 1/2 hours after dark.

Attractive young lady, crying, mascara a mess, . . . didn't think twice about opening the door. Will do it again if it happens again.

The key is making the correct decision about: is this a trap, a problem, a setup? We can see the whole porch from our front door, . . . and I answer the door armed (although that night it was with a 28 oz Estwing framing hammer).

Yes, . . . I believe in being safe, . . . but I just don't believe anyone would do themselves up like she was for a robbery.

She had missed the curve out front (happens about every 2 weeks in good weather, . . . much more often in bad weather) and had put her Explorer into the woods, . . . and could not back out.

Got her some help, sent her on her way, . . . all is well that ends well.

May God bless,
Reston Home Depot


As a fellow restonian if you see a man with a bulge under a coat on the strong holster side scoping out the intercom section of the local home depot say hi.

In all seriousness what scared me more was the incident several months ago right in the middle of reston when a couple that was walking down a local path (we got some great wooded pathways around here which unfortunately are great ambush spots) were stopped by 5 teenagers. 1 with a handgun and the other 4 with bats and knifes. They asked the couple for some money then if they belonged to a gang before driving off in their tinted windowed sports car.

Maybe we should start a reston neighboorhood armed watch. I think as long as we have 20 or less bullets per magazine we can open carry rifles, handguns, and shotguns.

I do know of another incident in reston town center when a couple walking dogs and open carrying handguns were stopped by police and the police even asked the reston town center staff to ask the couple to leave for trespassing. but that's a different type of harassment.
Dont open the door for strangers

Especially after dark. I'd come to the door pistol in hand, round chambered, safety on. After hearing commotion and determining it aint family or friends, I'd say something like "I'm calling 9-11". I would not open that door, armed or not. In this day and age its too dangerous. After having my wife call 9-11, I would try to keep an eye on them, but wouldnt present myself as a target. If I see them take off and leave I'd try to get a plate number, there's a good chance they could be wanted.

Opening that door represents a huge opportunity for the criminal(s). They are on my property, late at night. Calling 9-11 for them is still a favor in my book.

There was just a 85yr old man that lived within 15 miles of me who was killed last week by a home intruder. I think the bg broke glass and gained entry. The old fella, bless his heart, picked up his pistol and shot to defend himself and his 84yr old wife. The bg returned fire and fled, fatally wounding the 85yr old man. I dont know any more of the details.

Most criminals with the guts to do home invasion (or B. & E.), are hardened and prey on easy pickins in the suburbs. Remember, a sucker is born every minute. Your job is to not be that sucker.
I remember one time when I was young, probably about 8 or 9. I am eating my cereal in the morning before school, my mom was home with me. All the sudden this woman starts beating on the door screaming bloody murder. We only had windows at the top of the door, so you couldnt see her. Her hands have blood on them and she is screaming while banging on the windows, help me! help me!

I just about sh*t my pants. Me and my mom both stood very still and didnt do anything. She finally stops banging and leaves. After a few minutes we looked outside and didnt see her, then we look on the other side of the house and see a car slammed into a tree. She had gotten into an accident. I have no idea why she did what she did, we thought she was being stabbed on the doorstep. If we knew she had been in an accident my mom probably would have opened the door.

Ill tell you what though, I would NOT open the door for ANYONE I dont know. No way. Especially at 2 in the morning. I can smell a scam from a mile away. My door is through an alleyway in the city, so there is no reason for anyone to come knocking on my door. If I lived in the country it might be a different story, but I still would probably think it was a setup.
Northern VA (reston), my fiance just informed me about a potentially bad situation here about a mile from where I live. Approximately 2 nights ago a woman was frantically knocking on an apartment door asking for help (@ 2:30 am) the man who answered the door opened it, (the woman's accomplice promptly shot him!). Then then robbed the home, ...

The question here is: If attractive woman were to knock on my door asking for help after dark - what is the best course of action?

Just curious, why did you change the scenario parameters between what actually happened and your hypothetical version based on what happened? Just curious as there seems to be a lot of differences between the two.

In the original event, there is no mention as to whether or not the woman was attractive. So just curious, do you think or expect that people should modify their behavior based on whether or not the woman was attractive?

Here is the link

Also this version of the events does not fit with the version posted above. The robbers did not shoot the man when he opemed the door. First they forced their way in, then shot the man.

Plus, no robbery took place. The suspects left empty-handed.
Would you get involved?

NOTE: will make this a different post

Watch the link first. Then imagaine yourself as one of the bystanders. What would you do if you had your CCW with you?

To sum it up a white guy was standing in the back of a long line at a what looks like a subway restaurant. Then a big black woman cuts in line and the white guy says to his fiance on the cell that he'll be a little longer since somebody just cut in line. The black woman gets angry and starts yelling. The manager tells her to get out and she then spits at the manager and yells for her boyfriend a big black guy on probation. The black guy then assults the white guy with a couple very powerful punches and keeps hitting him after the white guy goes out.

I'd actually do something. I'd yell at the big black guy to stop it and if he walked toward me I'd start shooting. It'd be hard to miss that guy. Although I was not 100% certain what started the incident I'd know that after the guy who was hit was not even moving there was no reason for the big black guy to keep pounding him and putting the unconscious man's life in danger.

The reason is a couple years ago I was being robbed at knife point on my throat once in the middle of a busy sidewalk. And several well dressed people walked by and did nothing not even call the cops. I distinctly remember a well dressed couple walk by and the woman saying "is that guy getting robbed" and the man saying "it is not our business let's keep going".

At the very least I would have hoped SOMEBODY would have called the cops on my behalf. At that moment I promised myself never to be one of those stunned bystanders who is "not involved".

NOTE: will make this a different post