BEWARE...CASCADE ammo hosed me

I'm sorry FTL you took it
in the a**! All you can do
now is go to every gun forum
on the net and talk trash about
these bastards. (Negative publicity)
For sure after reading this horror
post I will never purchase ammo from
those bastards and neither will my
friends. They hung up on you twice??
E-mail & fax them to death.
Hey, thought I would just report that Cascade Ammo finally sent me my last box of 50 rounds of .357 ammo (received it today).

I ordered way back in April 1999 a selection of ammo which slowly got to me over the course of late spring, early and mid summer and now, late summer.

I believe in the better-late-than-never philosophy as I had already written them off (their phone lines were disconnected some time back). Of course I would not be saying this if I was in true need of said ammo or didn't have alternatives.

Such as it is, however, I will not be going back to them.


[This message has been edited by Duncan (edited September 10, 1999).]
Cascade Ammo is not out of business. They changed phone #'s and web addys. The new addy is

It has their new phone # on it. They get a lot of "custom" ammo, and their suppliers can be spotty. I've had an order in with them for 1000 ss109's for 3 MONTHS, and they finally got a hold of the supplier, who told them he was making some up in a couple of weeks.

The other two orders I placed with them have been filled, and at my door, within 1 week.
I have had real good luck with cascade in the past. If they have it in stock, I have it in a week thats pretty good considering its Takes ups 5 days from them to me. In all fairness to cascade I taked to one of them in May about an order It seems that the Importers are being swamped with orders and are not taking new customers. Also I have heard reports that Slick is trying to slow down the inportation of ammunition. When I ordered some 7.62x39 in may I was told that they were selling 4 truck loads ahead. So the ammo I ordered would not ship till the first three truck loads had arrived and shipped. They were also very informative the rep I talked to informed me that Talon was not going to demil any more 30-06 AP and that the government was starting to crush all surplus ammo cans. As far as getting your name on a list, you probably are already on one. All you need is to do is get some gun Magazine, or other gun related mailing, then all the government needs to do is get all those subscription lists for the last 10 years. Presto instant list of probable gun owners