Best Wishes to Moderator Mykl


As a "veteran" of four surgeries at L5, S1 -- you have my best thoughts and sincere prayers for a speedy recovery!

If I can be of help or if you would like to compare "back" notes, please free to email me at

Good luck!

Best of luck and a speedy recovery. Go ahead and pinch the nurses if you want. You can always blame the medication. ;)
Gewehr Volken,

Thank you for your good wishes, prayers and empathies. I view the forthcoming as just another adventure, interspersed with small doses of excess reality.

Regarding pinching: unfortunately, most of the hospital staff wear uniforms, and like myself are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (although the Commander in Chief is exempt from its auspices). Those staff members that are not, recall me from the last iteration, and routinely stay out of arms reach. ;)

So, in parting, I'd like to invoke the spell of those immortal words spoken by that fabled character of chaos and mayhem: "Ahwl Be Baahk!".....


[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited 02-04-99).]