Best tactics in a kidnapping?

In the United States, the decisions of foreign courts may be considered for their persuasive power, but they have no precedential authority. In pretty much every state, the legislatures have specified the circumstances under which deadly force may be used and the courts in those states have created a body of caselaw applying those statutes to specific instances.

I did not intend to use that as anything other than a statement of one moral theory. Not long after that incident German law was changed to give protection to children. The case, going by memory of the case now because it was the moral theory that interested me more, involved two children who, in a time of need, where stealing food from an orchard? (or some type of farm). The owner, upon discovering the theft, used deadly force against the thieves. His defense, successful at the time, leaned on the premise that one need not yield any special treatment to those acting criminally against you or your property.

I would not expect the argument to work in today's courts in any of the western world. German law, even back then, was changed shortly after to give protections to children - even those who were "in the wrong"
Decades ago my wife and i survived two home invasions. The first home invasion was by two career criminals who followed my wife home from work. They wanted her body.

Scumbags kicked in the front door, whereupon my wife shot the first one between the eyes with a .357 magnum. A piece of his skull the size of a half dollar was lying in the entrance way. i grabbed a loaded 16 gauge shotgun and shot the second guy who was trying to get his gun into play. He died in prison many years later.
Whoa that wife of yours is a keeper, Tell her I said good job.
How did you know what they wanted im curious?; Was they screaming their intent?
It didn't sound like you gave them much time to explain their motives.. nor should you have.

What happen in the 2nd incident Im kinda curious if you don't mind sharing.
How did you know what they wanted im curious?;

My wife had been stalked for weeks. One of the perps worked near my wife's place of employment. We lived way out in the sticks. Wife was followed to our driveway several times: A state trooper on her bowling team told her to carry a gun. That same state trooper was the first responder.

What happen in the 2nd incident Im kinda curious if you don't mind sharing.

We don't talk about that one. In spite of a no bill by a grand jury decades ago, the family of the perp is still trying to get me prosecuted.
thallub said:
We don't talk about that one. In spite of a no bill by a grand jury decades ago, the family of the perp is still trying to get me prosecuted.

After decades have passed since the incident, what criminal and/or civil laws would still apply?
After decades have passed since the incident, what criminal and/or civil laws would still apply?

None that i'm aware of. However, the political dynamics of that state have changed drastically since then.
A google search, done by a legal novice, indicates OK has no statue of limitations on murder charges. I would assume most self defense defenses are used in regards to murder charges
In spite of a no bill by a grand jury decades ago, the family of the perp is still trying to get me prosecuted.
A good lesson for everyone here. A "no true bill" by a grand jury does not take one off the hook. The only things that can are a pardon, a trial and acquittal or dismissal with prejudice. or one's demise.

After decades have passed since the incident, what criminal and/or civil laws would still apply?
In the case of a death in the circumstances described, murder charges.

It is entirely up to the state to decide whether to prosecute. A plaintiff can seek civil damages.
Good on the young lady for escaping from the cretins. i hope the prosecutor goes after the kidnappers with a vengeance.
I think too often people think of the best way to survive a situation. I am in the camp that looks at creating a situation that I could live with the outcome of. I would rather be killed facing an attacker and doing everything I could then left begging for the life of my family. To willingly submit and allow oneself to be incapacitated through restrain is not high on the list of things I predict myself doing.
Not sure which would be worse, death or being someones sex slave for 15 years or force prostitution.
I am not sure where I read it and won't think about trying to dig up the stat(someone else can if interested), but I remember reading the average life expectancy of a trafficked girl was 3 years. Mostly due to suicide, but lots of other causes also.

It should be considered the answer here is country specific. US K&R is rare and death is very likely. Many foreign places it is common and best bet is to go with and pay ransom.
Lohman, it wasn't meant for your comment .

Things always change . For example years ago to be a hero you had to DO something in the active sense. Today sitting in a bank robbery doing nothing in a robbery gets you that title. Sad ! :(
Actually doing something can get you sued , lose your job etc also sad !:(