Best shooting/hunting gloves

I live in Wisconsin. For shooting my Contender, I used A Past shooting glove. The contender had a rubber sort of blackstrap and wood side parts to the grip and .357 Max would bite my hand. Eventual solution was to get a cheap wood grip and sand it to perfect fit for my hand over many weeks. It’s easier to sand some off than to sand it back on, so I went slow.

I used the same glove for .454 because I was originally nervous about the boom. One of my mentors said “get rid of the glove or you’ll get dependent on it. Then when your shooting glove wears out, it will be discontinued and you won’t be able to find one you like.”

So... big chopper mittens with hand warmers in them and gun warm inside my second layer jacket until deer shows up. Then those arm length plastic gloves because washing arms up past your elbows in snow gets old as I did. Bare hands in the summer but I started carrying a thick shop rag as a pocket kerchief for wiping sweaty or dirty hands before shooting.

Sometimes I wear a leather work glove on my off hand for wading through brambles, but these days l just stay on the trails. Less work, more relaxed, rabbits don’t seem to mind.

Funny how I discovered a lot of habits my grandpa had. Huh.