#9 to slugs in my ammo cabinet but #4 in my HD gun. I won't be shooting any intruder at 25 yards because it means he isn't in the house. If he is in the house he will be closer than 24' because that is the absolute longest possible shot in my house. at that range the spread out of my gun is less than 4", at 10' it will put a thumb size hole through a 2x4.
I don't care if you use 3 1/2 magnum slugs or 00 in your house but I have family behind those walls and I want a shot that will stop or slow down enough to not hurt them if I miss. I know from hunting with that size shot that at those ranges it will kill turkey, feral cats, raccoons and a feral dog, (a large lab mix around 90 pounds). I cannot believe that it will not bother a boogerman in my house, I don't care what kind of coat he is wearing.
Not to many 6'10" 380 pound heavily armored meth heads in my part of the woods. Denim jacket and 5'10" 180 is more likely and also more likely to be under the age of 25 so chances of really having to shoot are slim. We aren't talking Crips and Bloods here where battle scars are something to be shown off proudly. We are talking country boys who don't want to lose their water tight integrity even if they are drunk.
Best load, I can't say but that is my choice and my reasoning. If I were in a more urban area I might reconsider and go to larger shot. If I was further out in the woods I might consider slugs but for my location and my house and family situation #4 works for me.