Best Shell for Home Defense?

birdshot will put them out of action no matter what you think

If by "put out of action" you mean that they hopefully feel a lot of pain and run away then you are correct.

If by "put out of action" you mean that the person shot by the birdshot will no longer be able to harm you or your family members then I'm afraid you are horribly mistaken.

Scorpion, did your wife get mad that you used her ice cube tray like that?

Not as mad as she was about me buying boxes of all that different ammo. :D
Not as mad as she was about me buying boxes of all that different ammo.

Yeah I've thought about doing that as well. Helps people get a better idea of what their shooting. Thanks for doing that as now I don't have to. :D
No problem. I would suggest for others to invest the money and time to take their HD gun out to the range with different shot sizes and different brands of each to see what patterns best in their gun. It's expensive, but with something as versitile as a shotgun and all the options available it's the best way to figure out what HD round is best for each person.
#9 to slugs in my ammo cabinet but #4 in my HD gun. I won't be shooting any intruder at 25 yards because it means he isn't in the house. If he is in the house he will be closer than 24' because that is the absolute longest possible shot in my house. at that range the spread out of my gun is less than 4", at 10' it will put a thumb size hole through a 2x4.

I don't care if you use 3 1/2 magnum slugs or 00 in your house but I have family behind those walls and I want a shot that will stop or slow down enough to not hurt them if I miss. I know from hunting with that size shot that at those ranges it will kill turkey, feral cats, raccoons and a feral dog, (a large lab mix around 90 pounds). I cannot believe that it will not bother a boogerman in my house, I don't care what kind of coat he is wearing.

Not to many 6'10" 380 pound heavily armored meth heads in my part of the woods. Denim jacket and 5'10" 180 is more likely and also more likely to be under the age of 25 so chances of really having to shoot are slim. We aren't talking Crips and Bloods here where battle scars are something to be shown off proudly. We are talking country boys who don't want to lose their water tight integrity even if they are drunk.

Best load, I can't say but that is my choice and my reasoning. If I were in a more urban area I might reconsider and go to larger shot. If I was further out in the woods I might consider slugs but for my location and my house and family situation #4 works for me.
I personly dont like a shotgun as a primary HD weapon, dont get me wrong cause there is double barrel that I call "the saw" that stays loaded with 000 buck and pretty much sleeps with me, but my primary HD weapon is a 45acp.

Wat are the reasons behind useing birdshot as your HD round? Your prolly not going to kill the BG just **** him off really bad. And when someone puts you and your loved ones life in danger dont you want him dead or do you want to have a casual conversastion with them afterwards??:barf: A gun is not ment to hurt or scare they are ment to KILL!!! So shoot to kill and use the proper type of ammo to complet this task.
birdshot -vs- buckshot debate number 3698

nathaniel said:
I've been doing this for years and never had a problem. And two I never suggested it to him I said thats what works for me. Three I'm not gonna shoot at a wall that has family members behind it. Four I dont want to kill anyone birdshot will put them out of action no matter what you think. If I shot you at less than 25 yards with birdshot youd go down and dont say you wouldnt cause your a liar if you do.
My friend, your defensive strategies need to be re-evaluated. Google Clint Smith + Thunder Ranch

This debate is a never ending maze of circular logic with the stubborn birdshot user crowd

buckshot for bad guys
birdshot for birdies
Once again you guys dont get what I'm saying I dont WANT to kill but if i absolutly HAVE TO I could thats what I'm saying. If you WANT to kill someone you should sell your guns and join the military they could find a place for you. WANT and HAVE TO are two totally different things. If the first shot of 7 1/2 shot gets the bg to leave or fall to the ground crying cause he has pellets in his eyes then great but if he doesnt my next round is a 00 buck thats why I stagger my ammo. That and the feral dogs usaully get the picture afer I shoot them with the 7 1/2 shot and they run away but sometimes they dont and they get a 00 buck.
And what if you give them your grace shot of 7 1/2 shot and instead of running away they surprise you with a quick response of lead? If you're going to shoot someone who you perceive as a threat to you or your family, shoot to kill.
Once again you guys dont get what I'm saying I dont WANT to kill but if i absolutly HAVE TO I could thats what I'm saying. If you WANT to kill someone you should sell your guns and join the military they could find a place for you. WANT and HAVE TO are two totally different things. If the first shot of 7 1/2 shot gets the bg to leave or fall to the ground crying cause he has pellets in his eyes then great but if he doesnt my next round is a 00 buck thats why I stagger my ammo. That and the feral dogs usaully get the picture afer I shoot them with the 7 1/2 shot and they run away but sometimes they dont and they get a 00 buck.

I believe everyone understood you, at least I shure did. Seems you don't understand. If your life is in danger you use your gun to stop the threat. Period.
This debate is a never ending maze of circular logic with the stubborn birdshot user crowd

Yes, and this thread is one of the odder variations on this well-worn(out) theme. But don't fret - Darwin will take care of them.

Would you shoot a deer with birdshot? :barf:
Would you shoot a deer with birdshot?
If it was in my house, teraring my house up and that's what i had in the gun sure. Don't you think an ounce of #4 shot from 10' might not put down the deer. I know it will penetrate a 2x4 and I'm betting it would get itself inside a deer. We aren't talking hunting ranges for crying out loud, e are talking in house distance, contact range to 20'. What in the world makes you think you are going to have a 30" spread of shot and no penetration at that range? 20' not 20 yards, good gosh folks get a grip.
One time I tried to shoot a wasp with my 12-gauge, but the pellets went right around the sucker! Unfortunately, I had no bug shot.
One time I tried to shoot a wasp with my 12-gauge, but the pellets went right around the sucker! Unfortunately, I had no bug shot.

When I get bored at the range and there's wasp, dragonflies, ect. out, I'll bring out the GP100 with .38spl shot shells, it can be a fun challange. :D
You people suggesting the use of birdshot are making a grave mistake and should refrain from telling others to do so. Your not-so-well-thought-out suggestion may well get someone KILLED! If you want to make the mistake of loading birdshot into your own shotguns for self-defense, that's fine and dandy.. Just don't tell others how potent you THINK or FEEL birdshot is based on personal emotion

Please tell me again which police agencies, militaries or private contractors use birdshot in their shotguns for defensive scenarios...[crickets chirping]

You plan for a worst-case-scenario, and that's why it's best to choose a cartridge that will put the maximum advantage in your corner. Make that first shot count! It may be the only shot you get

buckshot for bad guys
birdshot for birdies

nathaniel said:
Once again you guys dont get what I'm saying I dont WANT to kill but if i absolutly HAVE TO I could thats what I'm saying. If you WANT to kill someone you should sell your guns and join the military they could find a place for you. WANT and HAVE TO are two totally different things. If the first shot of 7 1/2 shot gets the bg to leave or fall to the ground crying cause he has pellets in his eyes then great but if he doesnt my next round is a 00 buck thats why I stagger my ammo. That and the feral dogs usaully get the picture afer I shoot them with the 7 1/2 shot and they run away but sometimes they dont and they get a 00 buck.

..and Nathaniel, shame on you for wounding feral dogs with birdshot. A dog dying a slow, lingering, painful death is quite disturbing to me. Feral or not.

ps - Your last sentense that i bolded contradicted everything you were trying to prove about the effectiveness of birdshot
Today, 12:37 AM * #39
Join Date: June 9, 2010
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 49
What do you use 000 buck for?
Empty the shells and usethe pellets as marbles.