Best Self-Defence JHP for .380 auto

thank you all for the info

Well I have decided what I am going to do.Later this summer when the Watermelon season is in full swing I am going to buy a dozen or so and run some tests.

What I plan to do is cut some wood strips about 3/4" X 3/8" to simulate a rib cage, soak them in water so they will bend easer around the melon, wrap a couple old shirts and some heavy leather around to simulate clothing and a jacket. I will leave it loose. I may even wrap some with double leather.

I`m not sure yet which ones to test yet but probly.
Federal Hydra-Shock 90 grs.
Triton Quick-Shock & Hi-Vol 90 grs +P.
Winchester Silver Tip 85 grs.
Cor-Bon 90 grs +P
All in JHP. Then a couple in FMJ. Hmmm! looks expensive :eek:

I will post the results when I finish some time this summer.
My vote goes to the 102 grain Rem Golden Saber. In marginal calibers like the .380 I want penetration. Expansion is desirable, but secondary to reaching the vitals. The GS should penetrate deeper than other JHPs and, unlike hardball, has a decent chance of expanding.