best posture for LEO encounter when they stop you while OC'ing in a store/street

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I have.
The whole tone of that last several posts has been one of dominant intimidation and gamemanship.
And I suggest that you not adopt that "dominant" eye contact against another armed individual
-- especially a LEO in this day & age of late.

It is both foolish and makes for bad press.
When I walk my dog and another dog makes that dominant eye contact, my sweet Golden retriever turns into a vicious, blood thirsty wolf in attack mode. It's all I can do to control him. Don't think I'll be trying that tactic any time soon.
In Idaho open carry is legal. If you are carrying in a business that doesn't want you to do that then the business has a right to ask you to take the gun out of the business. If you refuse then that business (like any property owner) has the right to ask you to leave. Surely folks here aren't suggesting that they have the right to ignore other's rights and I know that we all have strong feelings about property rights.

Of course it depends on the situation, but in the fifteen years I've been a uniformed police officer I have found that typically it works to call the individual on his/her attitude - in a friendly manner. I ask them if they're okay and if I have done something to make them angry. I then point out how they're squared up/clenching their fists and have their chest all puffed out. Often that seems to works. By being friendly I lower the anger level and by pointing out what they're doing they realize that I'm actually more aware of things then they think. We all have guns and we're all ready to get silly, but why? In fifteen years I had one person try to argue that their rights trumped the rights of the business. I told the gentleman that nobody was going to take his gun, but that the business did not want him on the property. He accepted that and left. He didn't like it, but I made a logical point with him and gave him an honorable way out.

I have ten years until retirement guys. I'm nearing fifty and I outgrew my rooster days a long time ago.
So lets assume you are shopping at the local store and open carrying. An officer approaches you and makes eye contact.
Make eye contact and establish dominance; I see no reason why I should be illegally detained for non-criminal conduct.
If he continues to threaten bare you teeth and spread your arms. It will make you look bigger. remember, he's just as scared of you as you are of him.

Your other statement about just carrying on until stopped is a better one.

As a matter of fact, for an officer to detain a person for the sole purpose of investigating whether such person has a weapons carry license is illegal in Georgia.
As you noted, thats jurisdictional. In other locations its illegal to OC pistol/long gun absent a license (CHL or other) and they may stop you to determine if you are committing a crime.
I could not go in to a Hospital with a small arsenal! The Orange County Deputy noted my Volunteer pin for his agency, noted that I could not take the seven pistols into the Hospital, he was stuck at the accident scene till the FHP arrived.

He was super nice. He was 25? I am 80. He figured such a nice old Guy (me) needed a hand.

When my Buddy arrived, he took control of the firearms. Ten minutes later?

Total public help, Police to a Citizen.

Not the best circumstance? What the heck.

The sobering thought, had he hit me a mille second later IE my door? I would most likely have been killed.

Helps to have Irish blood, yes.
So lets assume you are shopping at the local store and open carrying. An officer approaches you and makes eye contact. Where should we put our hands, etc. so as to present a no threat posture ( like placing both your hands on the steering wheel when stopped in your car).

You obviously don't want to reach for it or make any aggressive moves, but aside from that, I think its kind of stupid to start off assuming that he is only approaching to stop or otherwise harass you just because you are carrying. I'd respond like I would if any other stranger walking in my direction made eye contact, and say hello and probably smile. Sometimes a little basic communication can go a lot further than playing head games, and doing a Kabuki mind reading dance or pre-cockfight strut.

Maybe he wants to tell you about the no guns sign on the front door. Maybe he wants to find out where you bought your holster because he likes it. Maybe he is going to tell you it started raining and you left your window down. Maybe he wants to ask if you saw the ammo sale in the store. Maybe he just wants to ask if you know what isle the green beans are in.

Sure some cops are total jerks. So are some people who open carry. Most of either group are capable of interacting like normal human beings.
Make eye contact and establish dominance; I see no reason why I should be illegally detained

I worked for a large SO in a State that allowed open carry. However ANY business owner could refuse to allow you on the Property while OCing, if he so chose. His property= his rules.

If that property owner called and reported someone OCing and requested a officer to respond and "ask" the subject to leave the property, our dispatch would ask the business owner to just politly ask the person OCing to disarm or leave.

Should the business owner not be comfortable with that level of interaction with an armed individual. We would respond and make the request for the business owner.

That put us (the Deputies) in legal standing for the contact.

So... You are not going to "dominate" that situation. You ARE going to leave the property. Either on your own or with my assistance
Ahh I gotcha now Brit, sometimes my comprehension is a bit lacking. Very nice, glad you made it through that crash well.
So lets assume you are shopping at the local store and open carrying. An officer approaches you and makes eye contact.
Make eye contact and establish dominance; I see no reason why I should be illegally detained for non-criminal conduct.
If he continues to threaten bare you teeth and spread your arms. It will make you look bigger. remember, he's just as scared of you as you are of him.
Pfffft. Obviously the correct advice is to do an adrenaline dump and blade off at 45-degrees, haven't you been keeping up on Arfcom?
TFL's T&T subforum is for serious discussion about tactics and training. There are other more appropriate venues on the web for those interested in yanking chains and trying to be funny.
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