best posture for LEO encounter when they stop you while OC'ing in a store/street

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Dusty Rivers

New member
best posture for LEO encounter when they stop you while OC'ing in a store/street also posted on another forum.

So lets assume you are shopping at the local store and open carrying. An officer approaches you and makes eye contact. Where should we put our hands, etc. so as to present a no threat posture ( like placing both your hands on the steering wheel when stopped in your car). I was thinking fingers interlocked in front of my belt buckle area until ask to present ID. What are the LEO thoughts on this subject?
If your gun is in plain view and the LEO actually intends to stop you for something, they are probably going to address that issue for you.

Otherwise placing your hands anywhere besides on the gun itself is usually fine. LEO should be well aware of what the carry laws in their state are, and usually won't get too hinked by somebody openly carrying unless there are other issues present.
Just act natural and keep your hands out of pockets and in view.

If you start making unnatural poses, you will look awkward. That would set of warning bells in my head, I'd imagine a cop would feel the same way.
LEO encounter, 26th of Dec 7-30 PM.

I was ran into by a visiting motorist from Ohio, rented VW SUV, me in my 2008 Jeep Cherokee Laredo. Paid for! Now scrapped.

The Parra medics on scene, saw my BP 174/102, "You are off to Hospital" Before I went in the Ambulance, I had to leave some pistols somewhere.

I had 3 Glocks in a small case, just returned from Smyrna. I put my Glock 19, plus the spare magazine, into the small case! There was room, the Orange County Deputy (who was at a separate accident close by) took my Glock 19 out of my holster, unloaded it, in to the box, and the spare mag. And (wait for it) my Sons Fanny pack, he had just gone on a plane, gave me his two gun fanny pack. I gave him my lock back knife too.

"A friend was coming, he is a PO In Orlando PD" he collected all the stuff!
My Vehicle was a Marked Security Vehicle.

Only in Florida.
You lost me... the cop took your guns for safekeeping while you went to the hospitlal until your friend could get there and take possesion of the firearms?
I suppose you could take hold of your collar with both hands. It's not an awkward or terribly unusual position--it's not uncommon to see it adopted by football players standing on the sideline. It's pretty non-threatening and it definitely keeps your hands away from a belt holster.
So lets assume you are shopping at the local store and open carrying. An officer approaches you and makes eye contact.

Make eye contact and establish dominance; I see no reason why I should be illegally detained for non-criminal conduct.

As a matter of fact, for an officer to detain a person for the sole purpose of investigating whether such person has a weapons carry license is illegal in Georgia.

A command of the English language comes in handy at times.

That plus the ability to detect irony. CF -
Make eye contact and establish dominance

criminals do that. why escalate a general non event? or maybe you could clarify what you mean by establish dominance.

that's prima facie poor advice at best.
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Mehavey, you think he likes facial abrasions and eating asphalt, possibly?
Trying to "eye-dominate" (I read intimidate) a law enforcement officer
who has done nothing to that point... is invitation to escalation you will
not win.
"... An officer approaches you and makes eye contact."
Trying to "eye-dominate" (I read intimidate) a law enforcement officer
who has done nothing to that point... is invitation to escalation you will
not win.

I guess I just don't respond well to intimidation. oopsie.
How exactly am I gonna lose?

What is he going to charge me with? "Were you eyein' my boy, was you?"
Maybe the local constabulary in my neck of the woods is different, but they rarely try to charge people with non-crimes.

I'm thinking palms out & open, chest high, close-in.
Classic friendly/low-key "no-threat" pose.
I'm thinking I'd just keep on keeping on, doing whatever I was doing at the time unless Officer Friendly decides to make an illegal detention. A nice "How you doin'?" might get thrown in or perhaps a smile and "See ya later."
I'll leave the submissive displays to others.
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No LEO I have ever known has responded well to any attempt at intimidation of
any type when another armed person is involved. In so doping you have just
hyped the adrenaline/testosterone response factor all-round -- for no reason
whatsoever other than to establish your "dominance."

These kind of situations do not end well as a rule... and tend to make undeserved
bad press for those of a more responsible bent.
It occurs to me that you are the one that used the word 'intimidate' (twice now), not I. It also occurs to me that you have wonderfully defeated the idea of 'intimidating' an officer. Unfortunately, since I never mentioned intimidation you've only won an argument that you started with yourself.
Congratulations, you've successfully defeated the straw man.

Perhaps you should work on your comprehension? If I may, I'd suggest a more thorough reading of post #14. Or don't, I'm not a cop.
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