Best load for 25 auto???

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Well, I'm gonna recommend the Beretta 950 Jetfire... big surprise. It's the only .25ACP I've had any experience with, and it's 100% reliable. Taurus makes one called the PT-25 if you're interested in saving 5-10 dollars ;) After Taxes and fees, the Beretta set me back about $170.00.


AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
Thanks for all the input guys,

This all started when someone offered me an old colt vest pocket 25, After learning from TFL how the heck to take it apart (THANKS A BUNCH TFL and George) i discovered it was in execellent mech. condition (except for a missing spring) and am planning to have it re-blued (at Qualitie pistol and Revolver) since the value (in current condition) was around $50. The gun was carried a LOT by a woman for 30 some years and the bluing is nearly worn off.

So just for the heck of it, I thought I'd buy it. That winchester expanding point round sounds interesting.. I'm pretty sure all the original owner EVER carried in it was UMC 55 grain ball ammo.

Like I said, when I carry its usually in a belt holster, and there are a TON of better guns for Concealed Carry, I just wondered what a good 25 acp load was.

Will drop a "report from the range" when I get the lil pipsqueak back from QPR.

Good shooting,

Unless Glock makes a 25ACP pistol, I don't see any of them as being worth it. One of the problems with 25ACP pistols is that they are not usually that reliable. The other problem is that they are chambered for 25ACP.
Yeah, but do we have to not shoot guns just because they aren't tactically sound?

My father has a Baby Browning that will soon be refurbished. I will shoot it. I probably won't carry it around, but I will sure shoot it.

Why? Because guns are fun to shoot. All of them, for different reasons. They are interesting, are they not?

I think we're all pretty well aware that the .25 ACP round ain't something to bet on in any way. But it's interesting to indulge in different scenarios.

Dr. Rob, I look forward to your range report.
I have a question about the Beretta 950. Is it meant to be carried hammer down or cocked-and-locked (if that's possible)?

I know the idea of a so called "pocket pistols" in 9mm or .40 is all the rage these days, or even a "pocketable" wheelgun like the Smith 442, but I find them to be way too big for true pocket carry. Hell, I even find the Beretta Tomcat too big (width wise)for carry in jeans pockets. I've been looking at getting a 950 because it is sooooo much slimmer than the Tomcat, and it seems to have a great reputation as far as reliability and accuracy are concerned. The same cannot be said for my Tomcat. It's a real P.O.S.
I would remember what Jeff Cooper says: "Carrying a .25 caliber automatic gives you the dekusion that you are armed with a deadly weapon."
Short Bursts,

Cooper's remarks just show that he has an opinion. I don't share it. Ask him if he'd care to take a double tap in the head from a proficient shooter of a .25. My guess is that he wouldn't!

ANY gun is as lethal as the person handling it. I read an incredible amount of nonsense on these forums about calliber and stopping power, etc. All guns are deadly in capable hands. Become capable!

I run a guitar forum website where we often get into all sorts of debates about the silliest stuff. Usually someone pipes up with Frank Zappa's quote, "Shaddup and play your guitar!". We could take that quote and use it withregards to our firearms proficiency, shaddup and shoot your guns!

I'll take my .25 in a knife fight anyday of the week.
Hmmm - That would depend on the knife...
But your right - even a .25 is better than a sharp stick. These smaller than small .25 can be carried in unlikely places... inside a Pager, behind a belt buckle, on a Key Chain... A pair of swiming trunks often have a little pocket sewn inside to hold keys - this pocket is just the right size for the Astra Cub.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
Take the knife if the distance is close enough, especially arms reach.

Is that tactical super commando match assualt pistol black or can you get it in two tone?

Best load for 25? Rework gun to shoot 45acp, sorry had to.
Good answer. When it comes to the fundamentals of shooting, many people fall way short. Any weapon, in the right hands, can be lethal.

Hell, I can use a ball-point pen and kill someone just as dead as they would be if shot with a .44 HP to the head. Of course, it's easier with a firearm.

Too often, people depend on big calibres and fancy firearms to make up for the lack of skill. Using a weapon is like anything else, the more you practice, and the more you master the fundamentals, the more effective you become.

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...
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