Best Kydex Holster

Welcome aboard ! You have an excellent site and what looks to be some very fine products. Also, I am glad to see another maker willing to make Kydex holsters for revolvers. I would very much like to see how you make yours. As for the rest; I go back and forth as to the pros and cons of the tension screws with Kydex holsters. In most circumstances for most weapons I am of the opinion that a properly formed and constructed holster that is riveted and fixed at the proper tension will yield the best performance. More "snap and pop" if you will and less drag on the draw. However, you certainly have a point with regard to wide spreads in tolerances among some models. One of the hardest to nail down are the various 1911's as there are so many different makers. For such weapons the tension screws are a good choice for the reasons that you state. Other weapons such as the Glock models are remarkably identical and present no problems in the area of fit from weapon to weapon and holster to holster. For this reason most of our holsters are riveted but are available at the customers request with tension adjustable screws. I like to offer what is, in my opinion, the absolute best holster with regard to fit, finish and function but will still make them the way they are requested.

Regarding the uniformity of Glock sizes, I have found that to be other than the case.

With one riveted holster the gun was a bit loose, (could be shaken out easily when held upside down) and the other one was too tight for comfortable drawing and reholstering.

Actually, David knows about this, because I told him the results of my experience before I placed my order for a couple more of his holsters.

I don't mean to imply that your holsters are other than excellent, since word of mouth from folks I respect is very good. Just my two cents on the issue with riveted pre-formed holsters which do not allow any adjustment.


Live Free or Die
Hi, Nick ! Amazing who you "meet" here in cyberspace. By the way, you remember me when I was a "C" class shooter ! (Now, I languish in Master Class.....;-)

Just to catch you up, I won the 1995 Colorado State Championship, Limited Division, Oklahoma Champion twice, and Illinois State IDPA far !

As far as rivets, I have a couple holsters I either traded into, or one that was GIVEN to me, since once he got mine, there was no need for this one...even tho it's a major kydex brand.

Another guy was struggling w/ his holster for the entire match, and I asked him about it. It was apparent that he was not pulling straight up, due to his body build, and was actually engaging the trigger guard MORE into the molded detent, slowing/screwing up his draw. I let him borrow one of mine, and made a sale. I got his holster to show others what does not work, and why.

The Molded Triggerguard Detent (MTD) is not, in and of itself, faster than tension, altho the MTD IS louder to draw from.

I can make my holsters ANYWAY I choose to, and I much prefer tension screws.

The Glocks, in my experience, are NOT very identical dimensionally, one to the other, and their magazines are far worse !

If you have an "old style", "new style" and 10 rd mag, they WILL fit the mag pouch differently......and a rivet will NOT work very well. Some mag pouches SAY they are tension adjustable, but are not, to any measurable degree.

There are many opinions out there, of course, but I base mine on actual experience, long term use, and customer feedback.


Innovative Kydex Tactical Gear
I love to talk shop as such exchanges benefits the makers and users as well. However, I do not want to run to far off topic in this thread so I will start a new one about "holster features" Please throw in there as you have good information.

As for this topic "best kydex holsters and where to get them" Mike Baugh is looking for good info on his options. Lets make sure he is given enough to make a reasonably informed choice for his first Kydex rig.

I have heard of "Skunk Works" but personally never had opportunity to sample their products. Has anyone else? Any other makers and recommendations for Kydex holsters?
Ok, no one's brought up an obvious brand -- Edgeworks, the product of our very own moderator. My buddy has several of Scott's custom and production design inside pants rigs and is very happy with them. Scott uses thinner Kydex for these, and it seems to do a fine job of remaining rigid and keeping down the bulk. The rigs are extremely functional. The "snap and pop" retention of the holsters is just right, a trait that can only be had with Kydex. I no longer like leather holsters b/c of the lack of positive tactile feedback upon holstering.

My personal favorite for outside pants rigs is a Mad Dog Thumb Break or Taylor Thunderbolt. I've used them for my Glocks and have had excellent performance and durability with them. The craftsmanship is top notch, and they too have the "snap and pop." The only downside to the MD designs is the lack of adjustability, which has only been problematic for me with 1911's. Different Glock pistols seem to fit the rigs just fine, and though the mags do differ in outside dimensions, they fall within acceptable variances.

Blade Tech rigs that I've seen have varied from excellent workmanship to horrible, so I'm not sure what to make of them.