Best kind of shotgun for a fight


You keep the shotgun and give her two handguns. If she is uncomfortable with the recoil, she will hesitate at the worst moment. She needs to have something in her hand she can use and be accurate with.

The hubster has his Mossbert 500, and that's his HD weapon. Mine are my two pistols, plus I'd probably have the Sig.22 along just in case.

I have to agree with the posters that mention the pump being faster and more reliable. I have several shotguns, both semi auto and pump, and find the pumps to be faster and more reliable. There is something about the look and sound of a pump shotgun cycling that is very intimidating. JMO

Frank D
i think the best shotgun for a fight is one that's loaded and close at hand. of the many choices, when on my atv i carry a NEF sawed off but legal single shot, several rounds of buckshot in my right pocket, and squirrel shot in the left.
"Except for situations where a precision shooter is needed"

Which to my way of thinking is always:D

At standard HD ranges the load (including the wad) will likely go through one ragged hole

Precision IS required...we are shooting armed people not birds on the wing;)

A carbine beats a scattergun for almost every occaison

Other than specialty rounds and breaching they have pretty much been replaced
Precision IS required...we are shooting armed people not birds on the wing
I am, of course, talking about snipers. Precision shooter seems to have become the PC term for that, and no, a "scattergun" (hate that term, 00 doesn't scatter all that much and unless you're trying to take out wave after wave of screaming, charging zombies :rolleyes: , you don't want it to scatter.) won't match a scoped .308 or .223 for pinpoint accuracy. The rifle has it's place, but so does the shotgun.

Carbines are fine for agencies working in rural areas, but in highly urbanized areas? Nope. We have a lot of housing projects here. Walls are paper thin, and you don't want a rifle round going through multiple apartments (which has happened here, but the shooter was a BG, weapon was an SKS.) yes, a load of 00 will also go through walls, but not nearly to the extent of a rifle round.

As to precision, at practical, urban distances up to 25 yds., I'll take my 870-P with Rottweiller sabots and match your carbine with irons round for round.

Talk to veteran cops. Any that've "been there" will tell you they still favor the shotgun.
Talk to veteran cops. Any that've "been there" will tell you they still favor the shotgun.
Do they have enough experience on both to give a realistic reply? Or are they prejudiced towards the shotgun because its all they know?
pumps also give full power to the shot not like the semi-auto which uses some of the gas to cycle the gun and chamber another round.

Gas operated firearms--shotguns and everything else--unlock ONLY after the shot or charge is long gone from the barrel.

We have a word for what happens when the action unlocks while the bullet/charge is still in the barrel. It's called a kaBoom!
Spring mom

give her two handguns.

Why two? I don't this is case where two is better than one. You would be much better served by one quality handgun you have trained with and can fire with accuracy and a few spare magazines/speedloaders then two HGs.
I would think that for the average semi trained operator..wouldnt it be more easy in a high stress encounter to work a pump gun as opposed to a semi? My compact 870 clone is awesome..and totally rugged.
also I gotta ask if you blasted off 7 quick shots in the a confined a homes hallway or the dark...wouldnt you be totally deaf as well as blind?
why would police, or anybody for that matter, want "less" lethal rounds?
Because when someone has given you that much trouble, it's so much more fun to hit and mace the suspect repeatedly while he's lying on the ground writhing in pain--err uh hem 'resisting'--while he's actually alive to feel it. When your done you feel better and have more time for donuts without all the nasty paperwork! :D
Pump or auto, which is faster?...Neither

Pump or auto, which is more accurate?...Neither

Pump or auto, which is more reliable?...Neither but a Pump has less parts

Pump or auto, which is cheaper?...Pump

Pump or auto, which can cycle less than lethal rounds better?...Pump

Pump or auto, which kicks like a mule?...Pump

That is why I prefer the semi auto, it absorbs some of the recoil to action the next round and the venting system also reduces felt levels of recoil.

I do not use less than lethal rounds or have a need for underpowered cartridges or for mixed power levels of shells (field & magnum) at the same time.

give her two handguns.
So she can hold them side ways, ala gangasta, and blast caps at the BGs. Remember to get an extra set of sights mounted on the proper sides of the pistolas and make sure you never switch the guns around in their holsters.

Nothing wrong with two primary guns, when your finished with one, put it away and take out the other one to continue the firing...sorta like cowboy action style...What I don't understand is why carry the second handgun when you can just carry 6, 7 or 8 extra clips--both weigh the same? Like computers cannot have enough memory--guns can't have enough cartridges. Changing handguns or switching a magazine, which is faster? Well, changing magazines, you're going to have to do it eventually!

........This comment does not apply to backup or hideout 2nd guns