Best holster: Open top or thumb brake? Neither.

Ok, who resurrected this old thread. :rolleyes:

I think the fastest, most secure holster I've tried is the SERPA. Not very comfortable or concealable but works very well.

My retentive leather holsters are pretty slow and awkward on the draw.
I'll bet that if you use a concealment holster with a thumb break and you don't practice with it several times a week (maybe even if you do) when the time comes (extreme stress - focus on the threat) you will forget to release the strap.

Maybe I am somehow deficient but I never had a problem with a retention duty rig. I frequently had a problem with a retention concealed carry holster. JMHO

I recommend a good open top holster.
Over the last 3 years, my holster preference has shifted to open top designs -- for my needs they work better & faster
I'll second the recommendation of the Serpa holster as an alternative to the retentionless open tops, or to the thumb break designs. The nice thing about Blackhawk's Serpa holsters is that you get the retention of a thumb break holster in a much more user friendly package.