Best Fun Range Gun


New member
Hi All,

Looking at buying a fun gun for the range. Nothing specific, no concealed carry, no personal defense purposes. I cant seem to decide between the nearly infinite amount of 1911 models or a Glock. I am NOT looking to insight a Glock v 1911 debate. I just want to know which gun (preferably in .45) would give me the most joy to shoot.

Gun Maverick
How is someone supposed to know what YOU would enjoy shooting more? Me on the other hand for pure range fun prefer one of my suppressed SBR's.
For me it is a single action revolver. If it has to be an auto, big holes with a full size 1911 is hard to beat.
Definitely 1911 more fun to shoot than g21. HK USP45 is also fun as you can feel the slide cycling like an AK. The most fun would be a green Hi Point 45 with laser.
Hi All,

Looking at buying a fun gun for the range. Nothing specific, no concealed carry, no personal defense purposes. I cant seem to decide between the nearly infinite amount of 1911 models or a Glock. I am NOT looking to insight a Glock v 1911 debate. I just want to know which gun (preferably in .45) would give me the most joy to shoot.

Everyone is different. The best thing you can do is go rent a few and make up your own mind;)
How about a pistol carbine?
Like the Beretta Storm, Kriss Vector or MP5 all in semi auto.
The Beretta, that is a very fun gun to shoot all day and cheep to shoot.
Another vote for a single action sixgun.
Maybe even a cap and ball version.
Rifles are too easy to hit with at most ranges, unless there's a really long one nearby.
My go to fun range semi-auto is a 1911 --- 9mm primarily because I can shoot more for less cost than a .45.....but I must admit that my .45 seems to bring a wider smile on my face.

I would look at:
RIA models on the less expensive side.
Sprinfield RO.
There are many good brands -- its just how much you want to spend.
1911, because they are just so easy to shoot accurately. I remember a few years ago when i forst got mine, i shot a five shot group at 20yds standing measuring 2". It is rare for me to shoot that well but if i do everything i am supposed to, my 1911 puts the projectile righr where i want it. Kneeling, outside, i could hit a 6x6 post 4/5 shots every magazine (loading 5rds)
.45 acp.... / a 1911 is my all time favorite gun for carry, range, etc....but I also like a S&W model 25 revolver ( N frame ) in .45 acp....or the newer model 625 if you like...( although S&W is making the model 25 again in a classic series).
Here's the answer,,,





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Real fun with the .45 ACP comes with an SMG, but any pistol will do as well. There really isn't any such thing as a 'best range gun'.
I do find my 1911A1 is more pleasant to shoot that my Inglis BHP. Think it's due to the slightly longer barrel with less muzzle blast. However, that me. You might find something else is more to your liking. Whole thing is a personal preference thing.
My fun gun is my Les Baer PII 1911. Way more accurate than I am so it challenges me when at the range.
There is no question about it....The 1911 is what you should purchase. Everyone should have the pleasure of owning at least one. They are very accurate, enjoyable to shoot during extended range sessions and will last a lifetime while holding much of its original value.
What TMD and Mrdaputer said.

This question is understandable, but it is like asking us if a blonde, a redhead or a brunette will give you more joy to spend your life with [and lets' leave genders aside also, as all three hair shade are available in any gender to float your boat].

How can MY joy equate to YOUR joy?

Now, if we were best buds, visited 2-3 times a week, for hours at a time, played pool, hiked, drank socially, and generally hung out in the garage talking scheisse over, I'd know enough about you to begin to make a semi-educated guess.

Heck, I don't even know your hand size or experience level.

Go try some out at the range and see what floats YOUR boat- not mine.

[that said, 5 1911s in .45, and one glock in .45: :D]