Best Full Auto

Well, having shot about half of the guns made. My $.02 would be on the HK MP5. M1 shoots good and controllable. Ar-15 - gets dirty quick but still a good shooter. Mac and variants are too small to control. The HK is comparable to driving a Rolls Royce. A joy to shoot and feels great in your hands when shooting full auto.
I have an HK 91 with a registered sear. I think this "G3 wannabe" is the best full auto weapon going. Not only does it turn money into noise with the best of them, it can do it out to 1200 meters with outstanding accuracy. Try that with a 9mm or .45acp!
Although, a Mac 10 .45acp or Mac 11 9mm bullet hose is a hoot to shoot.

Okay - if your going there...
The BEST full Auto is the Army's M-249 SAW.
For a battle field weapon, I would rather have it than anything else. Unless I had the option of a Mk-19!

Okay Kodiac, if we're talking belt-fed, I think the GAU-8/A "Avenger" 30mm cannon, as found in A10 "Thunderbolt's", has to be the best full auto weapon.
If we're talking man-portable belt-fed, then it would be a dead heat between the HK 21 and the M60 (any variant you like I've carried both the M249 SAW, and the M60 (not at the same time, unless my Rambo dream counts), and have always prefered to carry the M249 (lighter weight), but fire the M60 (longer reach, more force on contact, better assortment of destuctive projectiles).
Only fired the HK 21 once, and it was GOOD!

One Man's Opinion.

Blades - You musta been a service member of some sorts...

US ARMY over here... I packed the HOG aka M-60 over the river and through the woods many, many a time. When I was handed a M-249 SAW - SON! REVELATION! TRUE LOVE! It was more reliable, you could carry it further easier, and with more ammo... To me - NOTHING beats it... Yeah, the 60 hits harder - but the SAW lets you hit MORE OFTEN - with its better reliability and greater cyclic rate. (Well, at least the version I had, back when it was new - could fire up to 1100 RPM!!!! 1100!!!!) I understand that they have castrated the poor thing and it fires at only 800 RPM.

The HK MG - never fired it, so I dont know about it.

The MK-19...
Beautiful. I understand HK also makes this type of system, but again - I have never seen it in person... only pictures. 40MM Grenades launched from a fully automatic, belt-fed weapon. Can you say "FUN AT PARTIES" ?

The Avenger Cannon in the A-10 is indeed the sweetest gun the US has... but you cant call that thing "Small Arms" Can you?

Think of this - Take an M-1, pull out the 120MM and put in 2 Avenger Cannons mounting on either side of the turret ZSU style... KILLER!

Here's another plug for the reliable and surprisingly shootable Uzi in good ol' 9mm.

But for sheer shooting pleasure, give me a 1928 Thompson SMG and a 50 rd drum of ball. Weighs somewhat less than a '78 Buick, but with one, you are master of everything in the domain from 100 yds to 16". Actually, if you have a really slick bolt travel, you can bring up that sight a bit and do some decent shooting at longer ranges. With two of them that I've encountered, hits on 200 yd silohuettes were possible.
I see that this is an old post but has some recent comments. Xdiver1, Stoner is a great firearm however the cost to purchase and the collector value kinda puts it out of the regular shooter class. The last one I saw was purchased for $12,000 with no extras at all, it now has about $8,00 in extras to go with it. I have a number of class 3 shooters and enjoy them all. The most versatile is my M16 as it can be converted to many calibers. The one I have is of course .223 shorty and long, .22LR dedicated upper, 9MM both standard upper as well as a custom built competition upper. There are numerous other calibers as well. I also have an M11 and it is one of the most fun firearms I have. I would go for an M16 just becaouse it is easily converted to another caliber, more bang for the buck.
If you want a shoulder fired SMG/ True Assault Rifle then I second the MP5 nomination. Definately a weapon of class and distinction. While the Uzi is good and the MAC's fun to shoot. I believe that the MP5 beats them all hands down for reliability, quality, and sheer pleasure to own. Maybe one day I'll be able to afford one Now if you gotta have something bigger, then the SAW (M249) or the FN MAG (M240G) are great choices.

It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.