Best factory trigger


New member
I thought the X-Mark Pro on my new 700 SPS Buckmasters was pretty good for a factory trigger but I was at my friend's gunshop and he had a display for the Savage accutrigger where you could try it.

I didn't think I'd like that "safety two-stage" setup they have but darn... that's a nice trigger.

Not a Timney or Jewel but pretty nice.

I'm not sure about the Vanguard 2 triggers but the Vanguard I tried (before they came out with the 2) was gritty and just plain horrible. I also didn't like the triggers on the TC's.

I'm trying to find a dealer in stock who has the new Ruger American to try that.

Any opinions?
It is really hard to pin down best because there can be differences between individual guns. Some people look for and like different traits in a trigger. I actually don't want anything under 3 lbs. but it must be EXACTLY the same every time. Some guns may fire at 3 lbs one time and 2.75 the next and 3.25 the time after that.

I've always liked the Remington trigger. Tikka's are probably the best of current guns. The new TC's are pretty good as are the new Winchesters. Old Winchesters could be good, if they are worked over, but out of the box were not great. Same story with Rugers. The new Hawkeye's are better, but not as smooth as many others.

Don't care at all for the accutrigger. It is light, but just doesn't feel right. Not very crisp.
I can't stand the accutrigger, i think its a piece of junk and will be removing it from my savage as soon as possible and will never buy another rifle with that trigger again. However, the trigger in my browning x bolt is amazing, if i could put that in my savage i would. I've also shot an x mark pro a few weeks ago and liked that one a lot but not as much as the one in my x bolt.
CZ is pretty good with their SS trigger as already mentioned, and Styer and Sako have awesome triggers as well. For a reliable hunting trigger in the worst conditions imaginable I'd say the winners are the Ruger 77's, Pre FN model 70's and Mauser military triggers. To me everyone out there makes a decent trigger under normal conditions, but I still want a trigger that will work in abnormal conditions with minimal maintenance.
Maybe the display accutrigger was better then what comes on the rifles.

The trigger on my Savage .260 feels just like the demo. trigger...

I would not buy a Savage without the Accu-Trigger!

Some factory triggers are unsatisfactory.. But the one I have the most problem with are triggers that cannot be adjusted. So when I purchase any rifle all that comes into play. The Ruger All American is maybe my next rifle purchase, hopefully their trigger has ALL the bugs worked out.

but the sweetist trigger I ever put my finger on is a Timney.;)
Usually people like the accutrigger, but I can see where someone wouldnt.

Mine have worked well and been very clean and crisp
With a single set, or double set trigger for that matter, you can have a hunting trigger, or a target trigger at your disposal.
TRG42 - 2 lb. is mighty light for a rifle, unless it is strictly a target rifle and, as seems to be in your case, you're in a climate where you will never need to wear gloves when shooting. My preference for a rifle is 3.5-4 lb.

I have a pair of .45LC single-actions that trip at 2.25. But they were set up for light-load competition and I don't cock the guns until I am on target.

My vote for rifle trigger: Timney or Jewell.