Best Defensive/Carry knife

Just placed an order for a Hobbit Fang yesterday...

I am such a toy junky!

For serious carry, it' s my fixed blade 5" Polkowski Pug in a kydex IWB sheath. For a folder, which sees a majority of my daily uses, I' ll go with the BM AFCK or the Spyderco Tim Wegner.


"To earn a million is easy, a real friend is not."
The Mirage X ceramic knife would be of less value to us civilians than to more trustworthy government officials. We lower classes get the knife with the metal insert to ensure we do NOT carry it on airplanes, through security checkpoints, etc.

Yes, I'm sure it's a good knife. But for that price I can buy a handful of good knives to put in the hold of the aircraft to be lost with the rest of my luggage or unavailable to me until I reach my hotel room.
The hobbit fang turned out to be great. I am very impressed... Just made a deal on a Rekat Utility - similar to the Fang - but with out the dropped nose.

Good thing knives are cheap!

Just ordered a Mini AFCK as well... to go along with all the other knives I have aquired recently.

I need help...

My choise is the Applegate Covert Folder from Gerber. Good fighter design of course, because it is Col. Applegate's. Good steel, ATS-34, and in the double bevel model like mine it is possible to sharpen the other edge also. This is not the lightest folder (4 oz) but in my opinion sturdy enough for most tasks.

I have used my Covert for some moths now for all utility tasks that it performs well. What I really like is it's manual safety that goes automatically on when gripping the knife so there is no risk of losing fingers with accidental closing of the folder.

I have several liner lockersnd autos that are good defensive knives. My two favorites are the Cold Steel Gunsite and Cold Steel Scimitar. The Gunsite has a big 5 inch blADE which is very sharp and has a pocket clip which fits good even in back pocket for such a big knife. It is good for slash and run since it has a long reach like a small sword. The Scimitar has a curved 4 inch very sharp blade and pocekt clip that fits nice in front pocket. I live in the country and for city use my Benchmade 910 stryker would be nice. It is smaller than big Gunsite and would be less obvious in the city.
That Tanto point at the end of the Gunsite folder completely underwhelms me. If my understanding is correct that the Tanto design is made to enhance piercing capability, the use of such on a folder (especially a Cold Steel folder) seems to me an accident waiting to happen.

Stabbing strikes should be avoided with all folders at all costs, IMHO.
Rich, your right about the stabbing...
Knife fighting in general is to be avoided at all costs!
Real fighting knives and Combat knives are ment for utility on the battlefield... Not as a weapon.
If it comes to it... A knife sure as heck is better than nothing. Of course on the battle field - should my weapons run dry - and the fighting went hand to hand... The E-Tool would be better than that double edged EK Dagger I had during my green machine years... Each has its own advantages to be sure. Anyways...

The Mini AFCK, and the REKAT UTILITY have arrived - both are neat little knives. The Mini AFCK rides now... smaller - less frightening to the sheople who are in fear of getting skinned. The REKAT hangs via a neck chain. One Hell of a necklace for a Guy! Black T finish keeps it in shape while wearing it under your shirt. REKAT has discontinued them - so get one while you can before they are all gone!


Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Hi Morgan,

I carry a Spyderco Military (serrated) on a daily basis around work and a Bud Nealy Pesh Kabz with the longer five inch fixed blade when wardrobe permits.

Also keep an old Spyderco Police (serrated) in a fanny pack with my .45 in my car.

- Anthony
Don't buy an Emerson. His production models are not worth the money. His CQC7 is alot of handle and little blade. Priced 2X what they are worth. And machining on product is very poor. It's too bad Ernie is capitalizing on his name with inferior product. Now, his other production models, who knows? The others have received mixed ratings because of production defects-loose lockup especially. Buyer beware. However, the CQC series is a joke. EDI or MT Socom is well worth the $$. Or maybe a Emerson Commander (if you can see and handle it ahead of time).
Im a spydero fan for folders.....I carry a delica at work every day, and feel lost with out prefer the endura and have a couple but were I work I had to carry the smaller bladed knife---and like someone else said the whole in the blade is very quick and sure.......
I went on a trip to fla and left my knife home(horror of horrors there), and stopped in a little hardware store and checked out what they had and picked up a swiss victorinox I dont remeber what model but it has a locking blade of 4" length and has on the handle a straight back and a wavy bottom line,,,,it comes with all the normal bells and whistles and is not easy to open, you must use both hands, but its a fine folder...fubsy.
B.M. Mini-Stryker

Here in Michigan 3" is as long as the law allows. No problems in airports either. I just stick it in my planner for the trip through the X-ray
does anybody who write in this forum used a kinife to defend his/her bacon?
can you gibve a short narration of haw it was?
I will prefera handgun instead kinfe.
many the mexican kid.
IMHO Emerson Commander (BT blade #876) has replaced every other folding carry knife I own (even the MT's). I have read some minor complaints of problems with some of the Emerson knives, but have never seen a problem. I own 2 and my girlfriend owns 2.
Ive personally never had to use a knife in defense or offense and I dont want to.....
When a bit younger and rowdier I hung in some pretty rough dives, a friend who was a rather large fella was a bartender in a particular biker bar in ElPaso, I was trying to hustle a little pool and an altercation broke out at the barend nearest the door, I looked up and started moving over that way as my friend was trying to get someone out of the place, my friend hoppy, was removing a man Ill call crazy c, hoppy was about 6'3 and 300+ lbs, crazy c, was 5'8 165lbs or so....well the hands started flying and crazy c was getting the worst of it as you would expect even though he was still getting his shots in, crazy c is finally out the door and Hoppy turns around and his front is rapidly covering with blood, it seems that in the rush of the situation crazy c had been stabbing hoppy with a 5" airforce survival knive, Hoppy didnt even feel the sticks....I dont remember how many stab wounds hoppy had, but he almost lost his life that night. If he had not had been as fat as he was the blade length might have reached a vital organ and he would have died.....crazy c went to jail for a few years, and I ran into him once after he was released--he's still crazy....hoppy died a few years later from a heart attack, Hoppy made the finest chili I ever stuck a fork in, he was a participant in many of the terlinquia chili cook offs and often a local judge/participant in chili cook offs.....he forgot to watch the hands......fubsy.
EMERSON COMMANDER. It is as fast to draw as a fixed blade via the wave. it has replaced everything i own and i am dieing to get another.
To MANY: Not me, but a friend of mine was down in Fla. and decided not to bring his off duty gun as he was flying. Well, he and a girlfriend got jumped. He was yoked from behind, and grabbed a Spyderco ( i believe it was a Co-pilot...tiny tiny knife) from his pocket top. He drove it into the perp's right leg just above the knee. Only problem was as he tried to rip upwards, it was stuck in the bone. So he yanked it out and stuck him again, and ripped. He tells me that as he was nearing the guys groin area he heard the most pleasing sucking noise coming from the skels mouth. This was just before the perp passed out. It turns out some off duty deputies saw the end of this, and grabbed perp number 2 as he was fleeing the scene. The local LE held his knife for about two weeks, before mailing it back up to him in NY. Hey, given my druthers, I'd rather have a bigger non folder, but then again, I'd rather have a tiny knife instead of NO knife at all.
Well - it was a small knife yes - but it was a Spyderco...
Many knives out there - but Spydercos are the BEST PERIOD. They can get boring though... Just like HK guns can get. I classify 2 knife classes...
1. SC blades (Spyder - Co.)
2. OTSC (Other Than Spyderco)

But then I like to reduce problems to there simplest form. :)

BM CS Gigand all make good OTSC stuff... But given the choices... Spyderco...

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
I agree with George Hill, it's Spyderco all the way for me these days. I started carrying a Delica when I was in high school, and have since tried Emersons and Benchmades, but have come back to the Spyderco Delica. The handle may not be as comfortable as the Emerson, but I've found the Delica to be the best cutter I've ever handled.

I use it at the hospital I work at to open packages, at my other job to cut down cardboard boxes, and around the house to open mail and perform any other chores that have come along. It does so with very little effort on my part.

I've taken it on several airline flights without as much as a strange look from the security guard I hand it to. That's another great thing about the Delica. It's not intimidating to the doctors I work with, the airlines, and any one else I hang around with. It's light and flat and easy to carry. It is also plenty of knife to extract myself from a close quarters assault. I think that too many people expect their folder to perform feats that are best served by a full sized fixed blade, or for that matter a firearm.

I no longer feel the need to walk around with a 4" black coated bladed "tactical" looking knife. My Delica has proven to me that good things can indeed come in small packages.