Best Defensive/Carry knife


New member
I currently have a Mad Dog Wild Thing and a Benchmade Sentinel. What are some other good choices, and what do you guys consider to be the best?
The knife that works best from me - after using a great deal of others - the Benchmade AFCK... 2nd place is the Spyderco Endura.
Other knives can be just as good, but these guys do the MOST the BEST for ME...

And the hole turns out to be faster to open for me than a thumb stud. Both knives are of good size to grasp quickly, and the large holes can be found by my thumb very fast.

The Endura isnt as spendy as AFCK - but I think it is just as good, if you can live with out G-10 scales. It is also a LOCK BACK, which some people like better than the AFCK's liner lock... it's a little more familiar to most people. Cheaper to make as well... wether or not it is actualy stronger - I dont know...

I like the AFCK - have 3 now - one I won from HERE last year in a contest that I cheated like heck to win! The first one I had has a broken tip and resides in a tackle box. The latest one is a fully serated blade with a black coating finish on the blade... this is a very agressive knive I cary only when flying... JOKE! I leave that one at home most of the time.... The one I won from here is my every day carry folder... I love the AFCK!

I carry daily a Brenchmade 970 with a titanium blade. It is a copy of the Emerson CQC7. This knife fits my hand well and is a very well defensive knife design. I would recommend this knife to any one that is serious about thier knives.
I have carried either a Benchmade 970 or an AFCK for about two years. Love them both. The AFCK is a little more versatile, in that it's point is better for getting under tightly taped seams.

Just recently picked up an Emerson Commander. NIICE knife! It opens faster then my others and the balde shape is so cool. Less useful as a tool, vice defensive weapon which it is designed to be.

Freedom is not Free
For defensive use? REKAT folding Hobbit, Carnivor, or Escalator.Spyderco Civilian, Terzoula, MOD trident,Hornet, Tempest, CRKT Apache,M-16. There are also several hundred others. You will get more than enough opinions. Log on to and start this thread. I reccomend you go to a show and handle as many different knives as you can. You should start at the BLADE SHOW
in Atlanta. It is the largest knifeshow in the world. Both custom and the best of the factory knives will be there. This is also where most of the new knife designs will be seen first.

Good Hunting,

Mr. Murphy rides in the locking mechanism of any folder....though Chris Reeve's Sebenza has a pretty good Anti-Murphy Factor. Folders are great for minor utility tasks and will work as a last ditch defender, if the stars are properly aligned.

But for pure defense? Make mine a fixed blade....preferably the Mad Dog variety.
Rich - I agree with you. But in the city - you HAVE to be PC. And packing a fixed blade of a decent size is sometimes not an option. Folders are the only way to go here.

By the way - Thanks for the AFCK again! :)
I have had other knives come and go - but this perticular AFCK is just sticking with me.

As does The Firing Line in general... Thanks for this forum too, Rich!

You Da'Man!

Does anyone have any experience with the Gerber covert by Applegate? I've been looking at this as a replacement for my Endura. Every time knives are brought up, these seem to be left out. Am I missing something?
Ah... it's a Gerber...

Kidding... Actually the Applegate is not a bad knife. I think it is over priced for a Gerber - but the knife is not too shabby.

If you want to get rid of that Endura... let me know... :)

I have been carrying an Emerson CQC7 daily since early March.

Before that I carried Benchmade autos almost all the time. A combination of things lead to my switch, about equal parts anxiety over carrying the often illegal auto and the quality of the Emerson and the speed with which it can be deployed one-handed, for all practical purposes it is just as quick as the auto.. and I like the liner lock for one handed closing as well.

I am waiting for a Custom Mad Dog Rat made to 3.75 inches, for legal carry in TN.

The Applegate knife is nice, but not very covert, and probly not the best defensive knife in the world. The rounded grip is pretty fat for everyday carry in jeans.
I have a full size fixed version of the knife. Remember that this knife was primarily designed for Stabbing, and is based on an offensive knife designed to take out BGs silently....


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited May 22, 1999).]
I've been carrying a Benchmade 910 Stryker for quite a while and just bought a new Emerson CQC7 with partially serrated blade.

Both have blade tension adjustments which will allow opening with a flick of the wrist and without touching the thumb disc.

The liner lock is about as good as it gets in a folder.

You're welcome, big guy...and thanks for the plug.

Remember the question was framed from the standpoint of a "defensive" knife. I assumed that means man-to-scum survival. I've just returned from a tour of Greece and Turkey, including big cities like Athens and Istanbul.

I don't know the carry laws there but I can tell you that I'd have been a lot less comfortable without my fixed blade, ceramic Operator under my passed the hotel and restaurant security points with ease. Ad to this one custom Cane Masters cane in "therapeutic" tones and a beautiful lady in Condition Orange and I reckon I could have done far worse in the armament department.
Could you tell me more about the ceramic Operator or point me toward a resource to read about it.
Having just finished a course in knife combatives, I have to offer this up.

Several people had fixed blades, most of us had folders. For speed, surety, length of strike, strength, and even concealment the fixed blades have it all.

Saw a Gerber Applegate 3/4 Fixed, several Polkowski/Kasper fighters, and one or two others. Folders were mostly Benchmade AFCK's, with two Crawford/Kasper folders, and one Emerson COmmander. Most problematic knife was the Commander, it was mine I might add. Opened to soon, or not completely enough. This caused some bleeding (very sharp edge) when trying to draw too fast. Biggest problem was my inability to consistently open the knife as designed, on the pocket seam. I resorted to standard folder opening, using the snaproll after it had left the pocket.

I am considering going back with a fixed blade soon so I can learn to use it correctly. Oh by the way, a flat fixed blade of about 5-6 inches is VERY concealable even on a 5'-2" women of petite build. Folders in the pocket are always visible.

Just some thoughts!

Freedom is not Free
I am thinking fixed bladed again as well.
I was considering a STIFF KISS - but would prefer an ATS-34 blade...

That being the case, I'll have to opt for a more spendy blade - the HOBBIT FANG.

20 bucks for the STIFF KISS.
50 bucks for the Hobbit Fang.
Both come with a good sheath.

Of course the Ka-Bar Tanto is looking very good to me. 100 bucks...

[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited May 25, 1999).]
I have a Mad Dog Mirage X Ceramic Knife as well. Mine is under the 4 inch FAA rule and I have carried it through several Airports, including La Guardia, NAshville, Dulles, McCarran and O'Hare without a problem. I did some extensive tests on it before I purchased it (on Rich's in fact, he loaned it to me for the tests...) at a federal building, witht he help of some US Marshalls and some rent-a-guards.

Details of the tests have been posted at this site I believe, but I am 100% sure that they are at Http:// . Try running a search under "Mirage test" or something like that.

Randal makes a very nifty little neck knife, blade is around 4", and lile has a some you might look at in fixed standards....fubsy.
I carry a 4.5" fixed blade most often, a MD Operator, and otherwise carry a Sebenza, but it's intended for tool functions.

If you must go with a folder, be sure it's one that has a cutout/guard for your index finger. Otherwise there's not much other than a strong grip keeping your fingers from sliding forward onto the blade on a strong thrust. The cutouts at least allow a stronger, surer purchase on the handle should your hands be slippery or tired. Best picks in this category go to the AFCK, Emerson Commander and Specwar models. If you'll use the knife for utility, I'd recommend against the chisel ground Emersons, they're not as handy as the clip and spear point models.