Best deals in C&R guns

Buy one, you won't be disappointed.

And yeah, i busted the slide stop spring when I hastily disassembled the pistol for a Duracoat job. Simple enough to make another one from a piece of spring-steel wire...from a fishing bobber:)
Try the Sarco ads (Shotgun News) and look for the Spanish Star Modelo Super in 9mmx23. They are roughly thre equivalent of a .38 Super in power and look somewhat like a 1911. For $165 + $20 or so shipping you get a C&R pistol in very good condition.

You should have included a warning to the OP: The Star Super in 9X23 is chambered for 9X23 Largo, NOT the more powerful 9X23 Winchester!!!

I just checked their SN add on line, and it is even more confusing. It says on the top of the add for the super B Star 9X19. then further down in the details it says 38 super performance. Below the Star add is another add for the 9MM Largo ammo. WHAT ARE THEY ACTUALLY SELLING???
I dont have a c&R licence yet, i just like the class of gun, i love older more historical pieces and i like good values.
I dont have a c&R licence yet, i just like the class of gun, i love older more historical pieces and i like good values.

Getting your C&R is a must if you enjoy historical firearms. Then you get to watch your safe fill up as your bank account empties!!!:eek::D
I dont have a c&R licence yet
It'll pay for itself the first time you use it. I've probably saved an easy $300 in transfer fees this year.

I think the P64 is about the best deal out there in C&R guns.
+1 best $180 pistol you'll own. I carried mine all summer since I could conceal it better than my S&W. Replace the hammer spring and it's a great pistol to carry.
Ill get a C&R eventually, i don't live at my own place right now and can't have them sent here, once i move out i'll get one for sure, ive heard it saves a ton of money but also makes you spend a lot more o it at the same time:p
Cheapshooter -
"You should have included a warning to the OP: The Star Super in 9X23 is chambered for 9X23 Largo, NOT the more powerful 9X23 Winchester!!!

I just checked their SN add on line, and it is even more confusing. It says on the top of the add for the super B Star 9X19. then further down in the details it says 38 super performance. Below the Star add is another add for the 9MM Largo ammo. WHAT ARE THEY ACTUALLY SELLING??? "

The Star Modelo Suber "B" is in 9mm para (Luger) Tne original Star Modelo Super "A" is in 9mmx23 or 9mm Largo. The 9mm X 23 Winchester is exactly the same external dimension as the Largo, but the cases are thicker and thus they have less capacity and when loaded reach much higher pressures than the largo round. Sarco sells both models. You have to specify which you want. Check the item numbers in the ad. They are different for the two guns. In fact they are different for the Modello Super B C&R and the FFL transfer Modelo Super B as well. Or you can do what some in Europe do and cut a 4mm piece of 9mm casing and superglue it into the front end of the chamber of the Modelo Super A and then shoot 9mm Lugar in it.